how do people repent before they start studying or get baptized?

by Daisy21 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • heathen

    Daisy21--- just about everybody on this site is ex jw and for good reason . If you decide to study you are free to do so but I would at least take a serious look at how the cult opperates . My exsperiences have been most disturbing as with most people who post here . The WTBTS even goes the extra step of demonizing us for discussing our opions of them and beliefs . This is complete paranoid delusional reasoning on their behalf . I've been lied to and embarassed by these people over petty issues and have no trust in them at all . You are only their friend if you let them control and manipulate you and nothing you do is of a private nature but will be discussed publically in attempts to demean and embarass you into submission .

  • Daisy21

    ummm ok...well i didnt know that almost everyone is xjw..i thaught most were wittneses...well i dont what to say about your message...b/c i do beleive in it..and i know there are alot of xjws mainly b/c the religeon is so strict..but if u read the bible which i am ..god sounds pretty strict to me lol and their thoeries on ever lasting life are great ...listen i know x wittneses but most that i know left for specific reasons mainly in there family or just their way of living life...but most of the ones i know still do beleive in it...its just too strict for them at the ty for replying but im sorry im starting my studies very soon..and i feel i no way that its like a cult

  • FairMind
    what has she done that she needs to repent for for God's approval ? Being human ?

    Maybe we have a different perspective on sin and repentance. We are all "human" and we all sin. IMO this isn't an excuse to do whatever we please and think that God has to forgive us. God knows what we are (human and imperfect) and this is why he is quick to forgive our mistakes as long as we repent. If we DON'T CARE how God thinks or feels about certain actions then why would God forgive us? There are JW elders who have done me serious wrongs (slander, lies, etc.). They are aware of what they did but don't care. Does their being human excuse them? I don't think so.

  • heathen

    If you mean too strict as in confessing what goes on in a married couples bedroom or the blood doctrine which is in no way scriptural as the bible does not talk about blood transfussions and does not condemn anybody over it as they do . You go right ahead and study if that's what you want , having to answer to elders all the time and handing in time slips . If only you knew what I do you would not bother .....

  • Sunspot

    If you haven't already learned will be told that Jehovah reads hearts. He full well knows just what each and every one of us is thinking and how we feel about things. When you come right down to it, it just does not matter what anyone else thinks or says.

    No "man" from the Watchtower Society or anywhere else---can tell you what Jehovah thinks about you! You must be very careful NOT to put your trust in human nobles (or elders, etc) because they ARE merely men and they all put their shoes on one foot at a time. Psalms 146:3 tells us this (well not the shoe part LOL) but the fact that their body goes back into the ground just as yours or mine does.

    Elders are sinful too! ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, right? Jesus ATE with and preached to sinners! "Our" job is to live up to what the scriptures tell us as best WE can. Jesus cleared the path for us at his death. Nobody else has the right to tell us if we are acceptable to God----or not. Please remember this as you continue to stdy with the JWs.

    Please read your bible at Romans 8:33, 37, 38. It shows how NO ONE or NOTHING can separate US from God, no matter how sinful or imperfect we are!

    Those that study with you will tell you that you must follow the Watchtower's instructions to be loved and approved by God. They have lots and lots of rules that are NOT found in the bible---that if you don't accept them---you will be cast out. This is very serious, especially if you plan to raise your precious little one in this religion.

    As for repentance? It sounds as if you have done that-----if you are truly sorry for doing something that you know God wouldn't approve. Be very careful when you study and ask all the questions you need to. If something "doesn't add up" or sounds fishy---don't just pass it off. GET those answers! Your life depends on it.


  • Daisy21

    ok woe! what do u mean confessing about what goes on in the bedroom?lol and the blood thing yea i know about about that.. and i do beleive in it ..ok it has saved alot of lives yes but also it has ruined lives waht about alot of transfusions that had diseases in them? them people were not saved!now they test it alot more yes but people have died from them too...

  • Check_Your_Premises
    i know there are alot of xjws mainly b/c the religeon is so strict

    Daisy, it might surprise you that there are MANY people who chose to leave the jw, or not become jw, because as loyal Christians they don't agree with their teachings. Not all refuse to become jw because they don't want to be apart of such a "strict" religion. In many ways, I am more strict and serious about my faith than many JW I know.

    I would be happy to talk to you about some of the things I object to about the religion.

    Let me ask you something. Are you thinking you should join this religion because you think it's "strictness" will keep you from making any more mistakes?

    What do you think it says about a person's faith if they need a "strict" religion to keep them in line. Shouldn't you do what you do out of love for God, not because someone is telling you how strict they need to be?

    Ultimately the most important message of the Bible is how to build a relationship with God, through Christ. To do that all you have to do is believe in God, believe He sent His son to die for YOUR sins, and repent. This is of course a journey not a process.

    Keep in mind, repentence does not mean you no longer sin. EVERYBODY sins. It means the Holy Spirit lives in you, and as a result of His efforts (not yours), you no longer are in rebellion towards God. You sin because you are imperfect, are mistaken, or have moments of weakness, not because you want to disobey God.

    The above description is completely scriptural. Please tell me where in there, you need to include membership to a particular group to gain salvation. The truth is, you don't.

  • love11

    I would ask the elders what you need to do to repent. It's kind of like what the catholics do in asking for forgivness from the priest.

    More than likely, the elders will tell you that you need to pray to Jehovah and ask for forgiveness. Then you need to go to all of the meetings to get yourself more spiritually strong. And then you'll need to give talks at the hall and go out in field service more. Basically, you'll have to prove to the elders and the rest of the congregation (somehow the elders wives will be sure to let everyone know you're past mistakes) that you are repentant.

    "Faith without works is dead"- The JW's live by that statement. And boy will you work for it! Three meetings a week, field service, studying for all of the meetings. You'll have to buy alot of highlighters because you're going to go through alot of them.

    Then, maybe you'll be forgiven. And maybe you'll be let into the paradise. MAYBE!

  • Daisy21

    ok i knew about the praying part and the field service..but talks?in front of everyone?lolim kinda shy and it wouldnt bother me if they knew about my past mistakes b/c thats what it is the past!

  • heathen

    Daisy21---- Yah the marriage thing is if you indulge in oral sex or impropper behaviour as watching porn or masturbation, God knows what kind of sex is acceptable to them cause I sure don't . Aslo people take blood transfussions as a last resort to save their lives it's not like they just up and drink blood because they like it , sure there's risk involved . The choice should be yours anyway as to what kind of health care you want . The WTBTS has no problem with people taking blood fractions , it's just the whole blood they have problems with . The whole thing is very hypocritcal . Any way you will get very little support from us if you are getting involved with them . Have fun catching up on your sleep during those long boring meetings that mean absolutely nothing . LOL

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