oral sex is wrong even if your married?
how do people repent before they start studying or get baptized?
by Daisy21 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
oral sex is wrong even if your married?
Yes, the brothers say it is unnatural and is only something that homosexuals do and therefore is unclean. Before you take that big dip Daisy you should use your computer, find a well stocked jw library and do some research on the religious organisation you are so willing to give your life to.Josie
lollll well honeslty i never liked it! my husband will be very disapointed though lol
Daisy, It should go both ways... you know that right?
I was sooo pissed at that reasoning, that just because Homosexuals do it that would be a reason for it to be wrong. HS kiss dont they? Open mouth? Im I to believe that HS are the first ones to practice oral sex? Dammit dont tell me what defiles my bed!
Ok Im done
Hm ok so the next question is:
you dont like giving it or receiving it?
lol well i never was crazy about recieving it ..but yes im not going to lie i hate giving it!lol more reason for me to join the jw lol..but my soon to be husband will freak out when he hears this ..dont know if he will still wanna marry me
Colonel Angus does have a tendency to rub some the wrong way...
Daisy my dear take some advice from an old married chick:What you and your soon to be husband do in the privacy of your bedroom or where ever else you to want to get down (not in public i hope lol) is none of anyone's business. That includes the brothers, the elders, any stray ministrial servant, any nosey pioneer sisters, or even your parents. I do not believe that God is gonna damn you for taking and giving pleasure to your soon to be hubby. And anyway the "brothers" have slightly changed their mind on the issue, it is now a matter of conscience.
Hiya Daisy and welcome
As far as I can tell here locally, the policy is "Don't ask, don't tell" in regards to oral sex. If you give up giving your man oral sex due to your religious beliefs, don't you think that would kind of piss him off? What is it about oral that you don't like? Have you tried flavored lotions? Maybe it's the taste that turns you off. Tell him to drink pineapple juice, I heard that works. If you can put up with "finishing", learn to keep the stuff under your tongue until you can spit it out in the sink...just don't make a big deal about spitting cause some guys think it's a sign of rejection. If you can't, then you can take care of his needs and let him finish inside of you during intercourse. If you really just don't like it, and it has nothing to do with what anyone else is telling you, just be honest with him and let him know. Sexual compatability is very important in a marriage, and he really should know what he's getting into and whether he wants to deal with that or not.
Now the smoking...here's how I'm trying to quit, and it certainly is not due to this religion. Doc prescribed Wellbutrin for me to start about a month before I attempted to quit smoking. This was in order to let it sink into my system and start working. Then, he prescribed Xanax for me to use after I quit. I asked him if I could also chew Nicorette gum while I was trying to get off cigs. He said absolutely and encouraged me to do whatever I needed to do. I was smoke free for 6 weeks with this, went through a particularly stressful personal situation and smoked a pack, and now I've been smoke free since Sunday evening. Do it for yourself though. Do it because you want to be healthy enough to enjoy your child and play with them as they grow. I'm praying in my own way that God makes the smell of cig smoke unpleasant for me someday...because when I pass smokers, I tend to inhale deeply and sigh as I suffer from withdrawl, lol.
I agree with the others that saying that it's wrong because homosexuals do it is really stupid. Last I checked, homosexuals urinate, deficate, eat, drink, walk, talk, blah blah blah...doesn't mean that it's wrong for me to do those things just because I'm not gay!
Just realized that I may have been too graphic in my previous post for this particular section of this forum. So I apologize if I offended anyone, wasn't on purpose.