marriage in the new system

by gringojj 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    The May 1, 2005 WT pg.22 first part of par.20:

    Our discussion of the resurrection leaves some questions unanswered. How will Jehovah arrange matters for those who were married when they die? (Luke 20:34,35) Will resurrections take place in the area where people died? Will the resurrected come back to life close to their families? A host of other questions about the arrangements for the resurrection remain.

    They need to keep this point fuzzy now more than ever. They've got to keep in check as many spots of hemoraging as possible...especially with the membership being a much older demographic nowadays.

  • love2Bworldly

    I always had a hard time with the beliefs surrounding the 'new system' and the resurrection. It didn't make sense to me that some would be able to stay married on earth and millions of other people couldn't because of the resurrection. God created us to live on this earth with our human and sexual desires--either all mankind on earth are human or no one will have human sexual desires. I'm sure the Bible was referring to people that were resurrected to heaven.

  • gringojj

    Well we have one scripture that says there will be no marriage in the new system.. Can anyone show me a scripture that says there will be?

  • Qcmbr

    ..of course there will be marriage in the 'new system'

    unfortunately I can't prove it using just the bible :( and I'm presuming additional scripture is verbotten.

    It just wouldn't be heaven for me without my Eve - what would be the point in heaven if all the best bits of life here on earth were lost? Nope I have to believe that the family is eternal.

  • tijkmo

    there is no scripture that says there will be no marriages in the new order...the one you mentioned at the outset is specifically talking about the ressurection

    the thinking has always been that those who survive armageddon will be allowed to marry as will any children born

    interestingly there are accounts in the bible of ressurections...7 if i remember rightly..none of them are referred to after their ressurection so we dont know for example if lazarus was married but if he was it would have been very strange if he did not then return to his wife...the other 2 that jesus performed were a widows son and jairus' daughter both of whom would likely have married when they got older according to the custom of the day

  • prophecor

    So I was determined to stay alive until the new system got here. Maybe even hoping, as was so eloquently encouraged in the Org, to wait and receive the benefits of a wife who was also growing into perfection. New system with no nookie was not my idea of paradise. Now that I know I'll be dying in this world, leaves me a litle suspect as to what's to be had in the next. If any.

    Millions now living who will have to die, will just have to hope for the best. So just suck it up!!!

  • potleg

    Another two tier arrangement. The WT backs itself into another corner by trying to be a know it all.What about all the young people to be resurrectedwho never experienced the joy of sex? Will they have no desire for sex and the opposite sex? Yeah right...I know a couple of old timers that say once the new system is full God will abolish marrage because the original comand to be fruitfull will have been fulfilled. Maybe it works for them..and what about God deciding who will or wont be allowed to have kids? Remember this religion has for a large part of it's life been run by old men who are out of touch with reality.

  • prophecor
    I know a couple of old timers that say once the new system is full God will abolish marrage because the original comand to be fruitfull will have been fulfilled...Remember this religion has for a large part of it's life been run by old men who are out of touch with reality.

    Be affraid, be very affraid.

  • sinis

    Not when you look at the context or cross referenced scriptures in Luke, etc. Luke 20:34-38 (RSV), “And Jesus said to them, ‘The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage; but those who are accounted worthy to attain to that age and to the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage, for they cannot die any more, because they are equal to angels and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection. But that the dead are raised, even Moses showed, in the passage about the bush, where he calls the Lord the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. Now he is not God of the dead, but of the living; for all live to him.’” The Scripture explicitly states that resurrection was the very core of Old Covenant Israel’s hope (Acts 23:6; 24:14-15; 26:6-8). God promised Israel, “I will redeem them from the power of the grave [Sheol]; I will redeem them from death. O Death, I will be your plagues! O Grave, I will be your destruction!” (Hosea 13:14. See also Isaiah 25:8), So the resurrection was not a new concept. Jesus was referring to something more grand when using the terms "sons of this age" and "sons of God". There is a fundamental difference between the “sons of this age” and the “sons of God” in “the age to come.” Jesus said in “that age” (the coming age from his historical standpoint) the “sons of God” are “sons of the resurrection” (Lk. 20:36). The implication is that the sons of “this age” (the then-current age) were under the dominion of sin and death as they looked forward to the resurrection. If this promise of God remains to be fulfilled in a yet-future age, the conclusion is that the sons of God under the New Covenant have not yet been made perfect in and through Christ. These "sons of god" would be the "first-fruits" bought from mankind. These are the holy ones who will co-rule in the kingdom. I do not agree with the Society (at least the current doctrine of heaven) concerning heaven. I do not believe anyone goes to heaven. All scriptures indicate that the kingdom will be ON EARTH and that these individuals will rule ON EARTH. This used to be the stand of the JW's in the early days but not anymore. Those who died before Jesus died will not be kings or priests in god government. That is why the jesus said that John the babtizer, although great, would be lower than the least one in the kingdom. Indicating that John would not be a co-ruler/priest. That privalege would only be opened to those that died after Jesus and where incorporated into the new Covenant.

  • gringojj

    Sinis you are the type of person that causes so many problems with religion.

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