...and its absolutely PISSING it down!! Theres been thunder storms all night and day.
WAYHEY im gonna be a dirty rock chick tonight!!
by katiekitten 39 Replies latest jw friends
...and its absolutely PISSING it down!! Theres been thunder storms all night and day.
WAYHEY im gonna be a dirty rock chick tonight!!
well have fun....give jwd a name check if you get interviewed
It's reminds me of Woodstock in the US in the 60's
blondie is that you at woodstock
Katiekitten....you have to rub it in dont you
Would love to be there...will try for the next one.
Enjoy matey....
Hope you have a good time, despite the rain and mud!
blondie is that you at woodstock
I wish. Nope, was in high school, had no money, didn't want to flunk out despite the GT just around the corner. I discovered Janis Joplin that year though. Blondie Have a good time, katie
Lucky you - I think, katie! I like the idea of going more than actually being there. I'd only go if I could stay in a nice hotel with running water - however it does sound like running water is one thing you won't be short of this time! LOL!
Have fun, and good luck against the e-coli