It's tough not to FREAK OUT at dubs

by GetBusyLiving 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • GetBusyLiving

    Man I didn't realize how tough it is to not to lose your mind and get dogmatic while talking with Jay-dubs a while ago. Just hearing those stupid answers, seeing the blank looks, and being called an apostate whenever they are cornered is soooo frustrating!! Have you guys had experiences like that too? How do you keep your cool?


  • mrsjones5

    My brother had an experience like that, really pissed him off. I told him never to engage a jw - it's like banging your head against a brick wall. Not worth the time or effort and causes unnecessary brain pain.


  • doogie

    i usually get nice and drunk before attempting a conversation. doesn't do much for my arguments, but at least their stupidity doesn't get to me!

    i called my dad a few weeks ago (first time i've spoken to the old man in probably close to 3 years). i was super drunk. it went awesome!...i think!

  • Honesty

    I get really freaked out because of their use of WT buzzwords while you are trying to help them out of the destructive cult:

    Reasoning people = only those who agree with the WTBTS

    Thinking people = only those who think in unison with the WTBTS

    Bible students = the WT publications are the final authority

    Honest-hearted ones = JW minds made new by the JW cult

    Breaking through the WT mental barrier is a formidable task but I feel it is worth the effort because maybe one day a dub will turn out to be a .6 person and will break free from the WT demons and let Christ into their heart and experience real freedom as a son of God.

  • tetrapod.sapien
    i usually get nice and drunk before attempting a conversation. doesn't do much for my arguments, but at least their stupidity doesn't get to me!

    LOL doogie!

    i know GBL, it's so hard not to lose your cool. especially when you see the same dangerous/hurtful attitudes in them that you used to have yourself. and maybe in that is the answer to your question. actually you told me this yourself once. it's helps to remember that we once used the same stupid tactics at one time in our lives. and yet we consider ourselves smart now for getting out of the org. never give up on them, you never know if a calm logic based conversation on your part may have, even years down the road. think of yourself as doing a public humanitarian service. like being a doctor. doctors must meet a lot of idiots. and yet i've never seen a doctor lose it on some moron in the ER.

    cheers old boy,


  • GetBusyLiving

    :and yet i've never seen a doctor lose it on some moron in the ER.

    Unless it's Evil Force operating on a dub from his old hall..

    Good point. I understand how difficult it is do deal with them now that I actually have had to. Gotta make a concentrated effort to stay cool and empathize.


  • Netty

    It's hard, I had a 4 hour talk with my dad not too long ago, full of all of the stuff you describe. What made it hard was, it wasn't just your average dub, it was my father, so there was a ton of emotion involved. Guess, a couple of times I really lost my cool. I felt emotionally drained for at least on week after the talk. It took alot out of me.

  • greendawn

    They can't accept that they are wrong because they have invested so much in this org and can't tolerate the idea that all this is for nothing.

    Plus the persecution complex, that satan is trying to overwhelm them and draw them away from salvation through his lying agents, the apostates and all non JWs.

  • EvilForce

    **doctors must meet a lot of idiots. and yet i've never seen a doctor lose it on some moron in the ER.
    Um...I think ER doctors call them restraining straps and sedatives. :) Too bad you couldn't do that to a Dub eh? LOL

  • kls
    How do you keep your cool?

    I don't . It really tics me off when talking to a wall and it just stares back with a smirk.

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