Hi Grinj - be careful your almost arguing a young earth philosophy when you say that about costal erosion!!
Funny I was never taught that paradise was 'perfection' in terms of no laws of thermodynamics. To me paradise will be the people completely accepting each other, no wars, no politics, no hatred, no lies, no life threatening illness etc.. all the rest of things like building houses etc.. will continue however THAT paradise was only ever the millenium to me (ie 1000yrs where death still occurs). After that was a spiritual world made visible and the complete reunion of material and spiritual for ever - there we won't be playing with beach balls and wondering what to do - we'll have worlds to organise, explore, populate and we'll watch as our children go through a mortal life like ours and learn what can only be learnt through suffering and pain and so the cycle continues...
Problems in paradise
by gringojj 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sounds so much like Marxist Communism... only forever.
A "workers" paradise...
u/d (of the wants a cushy management position class)
I believe the idea is living forever on paradise earth. I guess the problem can be best described with housing. For example, if people are free to live in the house of thier choice, then picture 2 men. Now picture 2 houses. If they have the freedom of choice and desire, then what if they both want the same house? If one is better than the other for some reason and one guy gets the crappy house, its not his paradise anymore. But wait, he can fix up his house or build a new one as byathread posted earlier. But if he builds a better house than the other man, then the other man will not be in his paradise anymore. So you see that wouldnt work. It would turn into a competittion and where would it end? So does that mean that we will all just live in equal sized condo style houses in communes? And as to the erosion it is fact and personally I feel it is accelerated by global warming i am not a young earthist.
gringojj. I think you are looking too deeply into this. Can you show me where it states that the earth will stop spinning or that the moon will be removed that we will not have a nighttime anymore?
You speak of two men having a competition on who has the best looking house. That, in my opinion has nothing to do with paradise. The idea of competition is an internal belief. How I view myself compared to another person. I don't have to have the best or the biggest to be happy because that will never happen. It is a circle problem. George Carlin once asked in one of his monologues "If God was so powerful, could he create a rock so large that he himself couldn't lift it? Either answer 1) God can't create the rock or. 2) God can't lift it. It puts a limitation on a God that has no limitations. That contradicts Psalms 145:16 "You are opening your hand And satisfying the desire of every living thing."
You spoke of the ozone layer. Science has shown that this layer will heal itself if "MAN" will stop using chemicals and products that tend to breakdown this layer. When mankind realizes the selfishness of doing things their own way just because they can, then the earth will begin to heal itself. Case in point. When the Exxon Valdes spilt its crude oil off the coast of Alaska many years ago, hundreds of people went there to help clean up the beaches, animals and plantlife. In some areas they used steam to breakdown the oil in the sand prior to the cleanup. Due to the heat of the steam used, it also killed the microscopic organisms that were living there and as a result the trees died, the plantlife died and the fish moved away because nothing was left living.
Other beaches that were left to nature to clean up the spill are now flourishing in plantlife and animal life. The earth (nature) did a better job of cleaning the site than man did.
Give God a chance to show that his way is better than man's ways. He created the earth for man to live on and as such created a system of renewal for the earth.
The molocules making up the oxygen atoms that you are breathing right now have been on the earth since it's creation. Same as the water and everything else. You use the oxygen, breathout Carbon Dioxide. The Plants, Trees and Grass take in the Carbon Dioxide and release Oxygen. What a marvelous way to keep the cycle going. Same way, different cycle for water.
I understand your questions. I am not asking you to blindly believe but search out God's word. Look at the ant and see it's ways. You'll then begin to understand God's ways.
I think you are looking too deeply into this.
Not quite sure of your take here, by I agree with Gringg's skepticism. Perhaps you should switch your "waders" for a deep-sea diving suit and see what you discover.
Even the WTS paints a picture of a "tract-home" paradise:
True Peace and Security - From What Source
chap. 9 p. 108 Peace and Security Earth Wide—A Reliable HopeThose alive today, therefore, represent a sizable portion of the total that has ever lived on earth. In fact, in 1966 it was stated: "It is now estimated that 25 per cent of all the people who have ever lived are alive today." 35 On this basis the total population throughout all human history could be estimated at some 14,000,000,000 persons. The earth’s land area is more than 36,000,000,000 acres. That would allow more than two and a half acres per person. Not only would this provide space for food production, but also it would allow for forests, mountains and so forth with no undue crowding in the paradise earth. Then, too, it must be remembered that the Bible shows that by no means all those now living will survive and live in that new order.
That 2.5 acre parcel does not account for mountains or unbuildable land (for construction purposes). Also the WTS estimate of 14 billion dead is very light. My estimate is actually 1.5 acres per person.
But even if you accept the WTS numbers, that means your piece of land for house and farm would measure about 520 feet on each side. Compare that to any picture in the publications.
Well I want MY 520 feet right in between U/D and EZ3, so we can drunk off our bottoms on Sundays after the meeting.
But me and Brooke have 2 kids, so is that 8 acres for us?
But if he builds a better house than the other man, then the other man will not be in his paradise anymore.
Gringo, man, I believe you're missing the whole point. You've got "I have all I want" mixed up with "I have more than anyone else."
Reminds me of the time I was websurfing about a successful black evangelist who got rich preaching a (fairly sound and responsible) "prosperity gospel" and found some pics of his house.
Now, I live in a 50-year-old trailer that is starting to need work. I've had a few serious bouts of envy looking at other people's houses.
But I looked at the preacher guy's house and said, "Oh, that's way too much house. I wouldn't want to live there if it was given to me."
So, yeah, if my immortal next-door neighbor fixed up his house to where it was better than mine, I might admire it enough to copy it - or I might just say "That's way too much house."
gently feral
How can one look too deeply into this? If you are telling me that there is an everlasting life on earth then i want to know what it is going to be like, I also want to make sure it makes sense. So far it makes no sense at all. And what is having enough? Does Bill Gates have enough? Do i have enough?
My problem was with the artist rendition on the cover of towers. they show a tractor in the field. people building homes. ect. but who mined the ore to make parts for the tractor? who made the trucks to transport the sand to the factory to make the glass for the homes? ect. who loomed the fabric for the togas for that the ethnic people were depicted as wearing? fantasy.
Last reply then I'm off to bed. If you feel having all the money that Bill Gates has makes you happy and that it is paradise then good for you. It is your paradise and it won't affect me. But neither should my two room shanty that I look at as paradise keep you from yours.
Side point: What is money going to do for you in paradise? You will already have what you want so the money will be useless. Money is a status symbol for those who have to flaunt to those who don't have. In paradise everyone will have.