What is Death? Is it the ceasing of bodily functions due to illness or malfunction of a vital organ reversing the order of what occured at birth? Is the body nothing more than a shell and subject to ordinary laws affecting matter once deprived of its operating force? Under the influence of the atmosphere, it rapidly decomposes and is quickly disposed of in all cultures. It returns to the earth in various forms and contributes its basic chemicals to the soil or water. Is that all that remains of man at his death?
If that is what you believe, for some, it is this concept that breeds fear of death, fosters nihilistic attitudes towards life while one lives it, and favors the entire syndrome of expressions such as 'death is the end of it all" "fear the cemetery," and "funerals are solemn occasions."
In the east death is the beginning, not the end. Desire to communicate with the dead is as old as humanity itself. What is death? All of us who are inquiring persons will have to wait until we ourselves get to the non- physical world, for no-one can outsmart death.
RETURN FROM THE DEAD? Some say that they have been to that other world and returned to tell the tale about it. That is another story.