What is Death?

by Blueblades 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    I think the WTBTS have it right on this subject - it is a state of non-existence - nothing to be frightened of

  • Satanus

    Tetra said

    think of an ant dying

    How does one know that when the ant dies that there is not a nano ant spirit that goes somewhere, perhaps to the great spirit hive?


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    I think I'm going slightly along the same line as poppers and dh here. Perhaps death is just a continuation into a different state of awareness/consciousness.

    If you see the whole process of a life this way, then birth was also simply a transition from a previous state of consciousness - which perhaps we may remember a little of, perhaps not.

    If so, then when does life begin? you could say it doesn't, it is merely passed on from one generation to the next, and if it has no beginning it can have no end. (I'm thinking somethings got to start before you can stop it).

  • tetrapod.sapien
    How does one know that when the ant dies that there is not a nano ant spirit that goes somewhere, perhaps to the great spirit hive?

    hey satan. LOL, that is pretty good.

    my intention, is not to arrogantly try to assert that there is nothing after death, but to say, not only that we don't know, but to go a step further than that. to say, that there is no need to think that there is anything else. the ant analogy is to remove ourselves from the concept of death. when we think of an ant dying, we think of the end of it's existence. crunch under our foot. why? because we have no reason or need to think otherwise. we witness it's end of existence. why presume otherwise? we also witness the end of life for other homo sapiens all the time. why presume there is more to it than observed? and arguments about energy, or protons not being visible, don't really answer this statement. we already know they exist because there is evidence of their existence. not so with afterlife. after all, there is no credible evidence for an afterlife. there is no need to disprove an afterlife, if the chances that one exists are as good as there being a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.


  • jaffacake
    plenty of evidence out there to support some type life after death, even if it's just coming back here as someone else

    Although I try to have an open mind on this subject I am amazed by this comment, if there has ever been any evidence whatsoever, then why has it never been presented. Frankly, even the tiniest scrap of evidence would be front page headlines in every newspaper in the world for months. There are plenty of claims and assertions, which some people describe as evidence. (see 120 years of watchtowers).

    If we are all honest, whether theist or athiest, we have nothing but faith, no conclusive evidence. Perhaps humans even considering this question can be compared with a germ being expected to consider quantum theory.

    I consider myself Christian, but perhaps my faith is very weak, because my honest opinion is that I just don't know. Death may be nothingness, or it may be eternal reality, and something possible to experience. If eternal life is a reality, I do not believe it is anything like those who take the Bible literally imagine - paradise earth idea is truly nonsensical, and not even Biblical. If life continues in some way, and perhaps life is an inadequate word, then perhaps we are talking about unimaginable other dimensions. I think it would be so different from being human, as if we were to experience what it is like to be part of gravity or electricity or something. For those who believe in inspired scriptures, they seem to teach, if read according to scholarly principles and without bias, that everyone will have eternal life, ultimately, for some ""as if escaping through fire, because God desires no less, and what God desires must at least be possible. The 3 words "God is Love" trumps everything else in the Bible, including the vindictiveness in both old and new testaments.

  • Satanus


    why presume there is more to it than observed?

    I agree, there is no need to presume more than you have observed. I have observed some other things. It can be argued that my observations are erroneous. They cannot be proven, although some of them happened to agree w taoist and some gnostic principles. That is something for me, nothing for the skeptic. My comment on the crunched ant was just to show that we shouldn't necesarily totally rule out other dimensions, even though they don't concern us here.


  • Englishman

    Death is just nature's way of telling you to slow down a little.


  • heathen

    I don't think the stories told by those of previous existance is evidence of an after life. I do think that it requires a religious belief and faith to say there is something after death . I believe there is but certainly couldn't provide evidence . I'm not afraid of death . For some death is in fact an end to suffering tho many die before they become that sick . For all intents and purposes life isn't all that great . I know I always expected more out of life than I ever got .

  • Mary
    My view, based on things I've read or seen, or people I've talked to and general life experience, is that though I do not know for sure, I think it is likely that our conscieceness survives the death of our body.

    This is my view as well..........ask any nurse working in a hospital or nursing home if they think someone's spirit survives death.....too many of them have seen stuff that can't be explained away.....and what about children who have NDE's? Are they lying?

  • FMZ

    I had an NDE when I was about 6. Decided that my metal dinner knife would fit beautifully in the little electrical outlet. It knocked me across the kitchen.

    I remember looking down and seeing myself laying on the ground, with my parents by my side trying to revive me. I don't remember a light to be honest, but I do remember being pulled back in, and a second later, I was conscious.

    I always ignored this memory because I was told it was just a dream (JWs don't like the idea of a separate spirit). When I left the dubs, this was one of the first subjects I researched, and found that many had had very similar experiences.


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