I think it's just a bid for more attention, but I'm giving all that I can give. I need time to myself now and then. I guess I shouldn't worry so much about it. Whatever happens was meant to be I guess, but the waiting is nerve-racking.
How do you trust your partner?
by sonnyboy 43 Replies latest jw friends
but the waiting is nerve-racking.
Maybe dont wait? I mean open up the dialogue, and talk this out with her. If its reassurance or attention she needs, let her know you want to give it to her, but that it hurts you when she says and does these things to get you to do it.
Sometimes I think things are said to see if I actually will hurt or not. I usually act like I don't care because it gets old after a while, and that's when the attitudes start popping up.
Maybe I'll take your advice next time. Either that or I'll start looking for someone who doesn't play games.
(((Sonny))) hope things work out for you. Things will seem better in the morning, they always do with the light of a new day.
Thanks, Netty.
I'm off to dream land.
Either that or I'll start looking for someone who doesn't play games.
That would be my precise advice; however a part of me would ask why she is attempting to play such games; could it be that she wants you to flirt with her a little more...could it be that she wants you to be one to take her out to dinner...I dont know I am on the outside looking in.
Netty has given you some good advice in that you do need to open up dialogue and pretending you dont care does send out the wrong signals; you dont have to fly into a jealous rage....you just need to say what you are thinking and feeling succintly and directly.
Try showing that you do care; communicate with her...be there 100% for her...if then she still behaves the way you describe then drop her like shes hot and find someone who doesnt play games.
Give it a try...I do hope things work out for you.
I trust him by extending his leash to 30 feet from 20 feet!
I don't trust him and he knows it. I don't really know why, maybe it's because I don't trust myself. We had a rough start. It's so hard to trust, it can eat you up. Lately I've been purposely keeping my mouth shut when I really want to say, "Why did you come home an hour late, why didn't you answer my calls at work for the last three hours, why didn't you tell me you're having 5 people over to our house on Sunday while I'm at work, and Why did you specifically tell me to not come home early because it won't be fun on Sunday?" GRRRRR. Sonny, it's hard.
Evil force, I don't know how on earth you can have an open relationship, you guys must have amazing communication. It would take lots of work to work that one out. Plus when you've entered the traditional commitment of marriage with a wedding and everything, it's kind of too late to go into an open relationship. I saw a magazine with the headline "Who needs Marriage" or something, about how why don't we do away with marriage. I wonder if it will ever happen. It seems to be much more casual, with a "hope this works out" attitude. (we signed prenups too.)
Well, I think trust begins with respect. And calling your girl a "biotch" doesn't ooze respectfulness.
My husband has never called me a name. Ever. Nor have I ever called him a name. Ever. I won't dream of it. He's done nothing but respect me and respect breeds respect. I trust him 100%. But that came after several years of earning my respect. You can't have the trust without the respect.
But then again, that's just my opinion.
I did...
u/d (of the I think I'm wierd that way class)