How do you trust your partner?

by sonnyboy 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • prophecor

    Simply put to your question, I trust my wife and her intentions, it's me that should not be trusted necessairilly. I'm the one with wandering eyes, as well as the eagle vision, just on the prowl for eye candy, for nothing other than the purpose of window shopping, mind you, not that I would do anything, but the sheer fact of all the available _______, out here in the world, as well as the women who are openly inviting such activity, if your relationship has lost the kinetic energy of movement and flow, it can be rather tempting to succumb to our baser male nature.

    Women, too, are making themselves more available now than seemingly any other time in history. The media has assisted in pushing the product, music videos, immediate access to porn on our PC's, Desperate Housewives. It's a resurgence of the morality of the 60's. Men are more prone, I believe to succumbing to this energy, but we all, collectively speaking, have the capacity to fall to it's power.

  • sonnyboy
    If her behavior doesn’t change she doesn’t care about you. dump her ass.

    That's good advice, and I did.

    At first I thought she was simply trying to make me jealous for some reason, but then I saw her walking and carrying on with the guy from the car dealership when I was driving to her house: flirtatious touching and all.

    Yet she doesn't know him.......riiight. When I rode past them, she saw my car and put her hand over her mouth and if to say, "Oh sh't, I've been busted."

    And I make no apologies, SHE IS A BIOTCH!

    Nothing's more disgusting than a dishonest person who plays head games. I'll no longer date anyone under 25.

  • talesin

    That's the best news I heard all day!

    I have an under-25 rule, too. The only way my ex got me, was he lied about his age till his birthday. Of course, by then, I was hopelessly lost ... LMAO!


  • Mecurious?

    You have a pm!


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