I took Mr. Blue from a 50s song by the Fleetwoods. I guess I was feeling sort of down that night and the lyrics fit my mood. I tried to change it to something more clever later but it did not work. My real name is John.
What does your name MEAN?
by RichieRich 170 Replies latest jw friends
gog of magog - the nicest guy in the bible
google - your best friend to find answers
and they say the internet is from the debil. -
My username LouBelle : Lou being my nickname forever & a day and Belle means beautiful woman - but I didn't choose it because I think I'm beautiful but everyone used to combine it with other nick names - Flutterbelle, Bellabelle, bellebean, louloubelle & loubelle.
My name Louise is the fem version of louis which is the french version of Ludwig which means famous warrior.
Maxwell: Stream of Maccus - some scottish tribe with the emblems of a deer under a tree.
My birth name given by my mom was Minimus but they call me Min for short.
I just use my real name. I didn't really care if somone saw me on here. In fact, that's what I was hoping for.
I'm kind of with Dustin here. I've been out so long I had no qualms about people knowing I was here.Sherri is not a great name, though. It just doesn't age well. Every Sherri (or Sheri or Sherry or Cherie or Cheri or blah, blah, blah--I can never get one of those mugs with my name on it as there are 650 different ways of spelling it) I know is between 40 and 48. Sherri makes me think of an aging stripper with boobs down to her knees. And no, I'm not (a stripper, that is).
I'll stop now before my rambling gets completely out of control.
I like your name Sherri! And I have exactly the same problem. My mum managed to get those sticky labels with "This belongs to NINA" when I was 8 and I still have most of them left, because I daren't use them up. You can;t get my name on anything and yet dummy that I am I always look in teh giftshops at the end of the museum or tourist attraction - just in case! Well if I ever see a mug with your name on I'll get it and send it to you as a gesture of solidarity!
I've explained my name so many times I'm not going to bore you with it again.
crumpet xx
Hi Crumpet,
I'm not a big poster but I'm trying to do a bit more. I work and have two little ones so not much time to read and post.
Will you be at E'man's BBQ on the 9th?
Yes - I decided that I would regret it like hell if I let a little thing like money come between and Weston SuperMare - I may never get the opportunity to visit there again! So I am currently making arrangements to be there from about 4pm onwards. I see you are going too - little ones coming too?