"Is it possible to experience something so realistically in ones own mind that it would appear to come from some distant, greater force?" - Jeanniebeanz
Good question. I am often mystified by how people maintain faith in the divine, with no evidence to substantiate it, and quite a bit to refute it. There are of course, those who were raised that way, many of us here can relate to that, and know that makes it more difficult to question. Question we do, however, or most of us wouldn't even be here. So what holds the others? Putting aside those who are involved with their beliefs to a freakish extent, most religious people are perfectly rational, intelligent, kind people, with nothing wrong with them.
I find myself wondering if any research has ever been done to differentiate between theist/nontheist brainwaves or DNA or anything like that. It seems doubtful, but then again, many studies have been done along that same line in an attempt to find differences between homo/hetero sexuals, so why not?