How many of you want to be resurrected? (I am not judging here! Just a Q!)

by inquirer 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • inquirer

    This is in no way meant to judge people, but sometimes I think about this issue a lot. I think about famoust people and think "hmmm, will Tom Cruise be there in paradise? Arnold Schartzenegger? Maybe Pamela Anderson will have change of heart! Who knows! What about Tim Henman, whose been discussed about lately on this forum.

    Do you some of you people just want to live and have a good time now and not care about anything else?

    I don't mind what you say, just interested in what people have to say about this topic...

  • kls

    Well if i thought that way it would mean i believe in the BS the wt keeps their followers captive ,so no ,give me a clean box with some good rock tunes and i will just stay put.

  • JH

    I won't die

  • sonnyboy

    If being resurrected means living forever under strict control in a world full of Kingdom Hall tunes, then no.

  • gumby
    I think about famoust people and think "hmmm, will Tom Cruise be there in paradise?

    Tom Cruise wouldn't be caught dead on a ladder helping his neighbor sheet a roof while his cute wife goes out and picks fruit with a women from nigeria. He'd just hire it out to some dumbass do-gooder former window washer while he sat in his bearskin sofa watchin a good movie while eatin popcorn grown from cornstalks out of the sisters garden next door.


  • inquirer



  • inquirer

    I donn't know... maybe Tom Cruise would change at the last minute! You never know!

    A bit like that guy on the torture stake next to Jesus. ...Jesus said to that person "truly I am telling you today, you'll be with me in Paradise..." I forget the verse and book and all, but it's so well-known as what Jeshua said...

  • LittleToe

    So will Jesus and the thief be drinking buddies in paradise, together?

  • stillajwexelder

    If it were psooible then I think I would prefer life to death - but can not possibly know for sure

  • Jourles

    Doesn't matter one way or another to me. If I'm not resurrected, no big deal. It's not like I will care since I won't know. But if I am and the WTS is running things, you can be damn sure I will most likely take my own life or try to seclude myself in some corner of the world where no one can find me.

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