The main article for the July 8 Awake is "How to Find a Job and Keep It."
On the whole, it's a good article and there is some good advice. How this relates to God's Kingdom is another matter.
On page 6, there is a half page box with a sample resume for those without work experience.
Now, I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the resume, but let's not forget this was put together by a member of the writing committee.
In context of the recent DVD release, "Young People - What Will You Do With Your Life" and the convention drama for this year which clearly has an anti-higher education theme; there are some signs of "social engineering" about this resume. I've highlighted the interesting parts.
Your Name:
Your Address:
Your telephone Number and E-Mail Address:
Objective: Seeking entry-level position in manufacturing.
Education: Graduated from Hometown High School, 2004.
Courses: Language skills, mathematics, computers and woodworking classes.
Skills and Abilities: Work well with my hands. Regularly service the family car. Made wooden chairs and a table in my home
workshop. Enjoy using my math skills while making furniture. Installed roofing material on a volunteer building project. Can use
most types of computers and enjoy learning new programs.
Personal Information: Reliable - missed only two days of school in senior year. Honest - returned a lost wallet that contained
money. Friendly - regualrly engage in volunteer work in the community and enjoy assisting the elderly. Athletics-love playing
basketball. Hobbies - enjoy repairing automobiles and woodworking.
References: Available on request.
There's nothing wrong with an entry-level position in manufacturing. But knowing the Society, and the fact that the latest DVD on young people suggested taking vocational courses during high school (and not after), would indicate that this is what the type of work they would prefer their future slaves to do.
Installed roofing material on a volunteer building project - come on, this is biased towards JW's who work at Kingdom Hall quickbuilds.
Honest - returned a lost wallet containing money - would you really print this on your resume?
Regularly engage in volunteer work in the community - now what could that be? Knock, Knock.