She has gone several weeks in a row to two different churches - I would go too - but I work on Sunday. She likes it - and the demonz ain't got her yet.
Wifey is now a 'churchgoer'!
by AK - Jeff 17 Replies latest jw experiences
Man it would be hard for me to go to any church
Glad to hear that Jeff.
Hope you can get to go one of these days yourself to see that there is good there.
WELL what an apostate!!!!
Wow, good for her!
We are thinking about doing that for our kids, but haven't decided on which church. We are really turned off by organized religion, but I want my kids to have the great memories of youth groups, retreats, etc, that I had when I was a kid. Every time the subject comes up, we decide to wait awhile longer. The wounds are still too raw.
As long as these churches are not of a cultish nature some spiritual activity in them doesn't do any harm. I myself will only loosely associate with (some of) them after the toxic cult experience with the jws.
AK - Jeff
It took a while - we have been 'out' for about two years now or close.
I would like to go - but my 40 hours get packed into 3 loooong days and I am bushed at the end of my work week.
Part of the reason for her is the g-kids. We would never get involved with 'big time' religion - but the little country church setting is what she likes. I miss the religious portion of my life somewhat, that is the feeling of belonging - but I feel no real need to do religion. I think the witness bunch is a good bunch of people if you take them out of the religion - and I might feel the same about the other churches if I ever got invvolved.
Jeff that is great news.
As an ex witness you tend to be more cautious about getting involved in any organised religons so I am sure she has found a church that fits her spiritual needs.
Although some ex-witnesses choose not to get involved in any religon (and as far as I am concerned that's great if thats who you are as long as your a good decent person) I have found a great local church. Its so different to what I ever expected and there is never any pressure or guilt trips laid upon me.
Good luck to you and your wife!
Miss Peaches
AK - Jeff
Although some ex-witnesses choose not to get involved in any religon (and as far as I am concerned that's great if thats who you are as long as your a good decent person) I have found a great local church. Its so different to what I ever expected and there is never any pressure or guilt trips laid upon me.
misspeaches - I just read your above to wifey who says that is exactly how she feels so far in the one she is going to. Thanx for the kind words.
Good for her, so Armegeddon didnt strike as soon as she entered? I remember having that feeling. It took me a while, but then I got used to it. ANd yea, with the whole work thing, I wish I could be more regular, but when we get to go as a family, it is a nice feeling. Just once a week, on Sunday, no preparation, and thinking about it at all during the week. Show up for 1.5 hours, and relax and listen. No pressure to answer, fo field service after. And the kids get to go to Sunday school, where they play games, have snacks, read bible stories and watch bible cartoons. Just that right there is what sold me. JW's never had anything for the poor kiddies.