Some simple math – no just kidding, really important issue please respond

by zagor 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • zagor

    Take any thread and see how many people have commented then see how many hits it had and subtract the two. What do you get????

    Who are all these people, reading it really? I mean everyone is welcome to read, but seriously. I've started a thread few days ago, in the end there were only a couple of people still responding but number of hits grew exponentially.

  • PaulJ

    How can you tell how many views it has had then? I dont see this...

  • PaulJ

    No... its ok i see it now!!!

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Well - I think (for what it's worth) -

    1) Some posters are more 'qualified' to respond to certain posts.

    2) Posters will read to gain knowledge on an issue they are unfamiliar with. (Which I do, but won't comment as that's (1) above)

    3) Other stuff - the topic heading isn't clear. I imagine also that posters are attracted to certain posters' threads. I know that I will read a topic if I see a certain poster(s) has responded to it....

  • zagor

    Right, 10 - 15 people responding all together and there's almost 700 hits, all members, just passing by!?! hmmmmm, maybe, maybeeee

  • PaulJ

    So many times i read a thread and someone else has made the point i wanted to make. Whats the point of repeating yourself?

  • luna2

    I'll read threads several times to see what new posters have said. Sometimes I'll have made or will make a response and sometimes I won't, as Midwich has said.

    I'm sure there are a number of lurkers who aren't ready to post yet too....or WTS spies perhaps. Whoohoo! LOL

  • greendawn

    I also don't think there is something extra ordinary about it it's just people reading it and then having no knowledge to get involved or find no interest in the subject. When it comes to just reading posts this is an open forum.

    But what do you suggest Zagor?

  • Crumpet
    Right, 10 - 15 people responding all together and there's almost 700 hits, all members, just passing by!?! hmmmmm, maybe, maybeeee

    Zagor - the reason there are so many hits is because everytime a person looks at a new comment by a new person it will increase the number of times it has been viewed. If you open the thread from your postings list, which I do all the time - you can't scroll through the replies - you have to close and open one by one and every time you click on a person's comment it turns into a new opening of the thread - hence a new time viewed and you have to do this.

    Even if I'm not contributing to a topic I'll go back and read the new comments several times as they are added. therefore i may hit/view a thread 20 times or more and never say a word.

  • zagor

    But what do you suggest Zagor?

    Nothing really, I'm not bothered by it. At first I didn't even pay attention to it until today.

    Anyho, maybe in Writing Department they finally have Internet connection

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