Don't you think that living in such a secluded environment with like-minded males......which they have for many years...that their thought processes (very little I should imagine) will be automatic. No room for a glimmer of reality.
Yes. We all respond to conditioning in that way were things become automatic. The geriatric Governing Body is very much programmed to respond a certain way with out much thought, thier inability to understand the pain they cause is a product of great repression and an insanity which seeks to perpetuate what they dellusionally call "God's Organization" at all cost. It is an extremely cruel psycoses brought on be the dellusion that they speaking for a murderous god called jehovah, whose personality they have inculcated in themselves. I do beleive that a breaking down the barriors between the conscious and unconscious can occur without thier consent by the intentions of others, and a partial awakening can occur in them as part of this barrior get broken down even against thier conscious will.