A Call for Visions to be Given to All the GB & Influencial Ones Concerning

by frankiespeakin 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin


    So Frankie do you see all these things you mention as exonerating circumstances for them that they got into the habit of living an illusion, are horrified to face up to the mess they caused and being senile (and psychotic even according to your understanding) they should be excused from damnation?

    All of us are falling for illusions, your belief in the bible is falling pray to an illusion.

    I feel no need for vengance towards the Governing Body, I just want their control broken and my family free. I have a granddaughter her parents, my brother and his family, cousins, and friends who are under thier control as well as people I don't even know who will be hurt by this mislead this "$hit for brains" Governing Body.(yes I have anger but I think only as far as the human concept of rigtheous anger commonly means).

    I do not want revenge, I just want to smash thier teeth and remove the pray from thier mouths, after I have removed the pray they can go thier way to heal which I hope they do. I have been confronted before by things that threatened my life and at that time I needed all my strenght to fight, when those few times that this happened, my adrenilan made me feel this ferrosious anger just for the short time I needed it most, at those times your concentration become almost flawless and you react with lightening speed, time slows down and your muscles become like concrete hardness. That is probably some evolutionarry trait from way back millions of years ago.

    Once they release the pray (the unwitting JW), I see no need for any more punishment, but until they release the pray, I will try and use altered states of consciousness(I use alters states for many other reasons besides this) to bring about a breaking open of certain parts of unconsciousness in the minds of the Governing Body, so that they will see and feel the misery they are causing to innocent people that have so callously not even thought about. I do not think I am unleashing any "evil" power,(according to common human concepts). I am just giving them some painfull inlightenment.

    I also would like to enlist the aid of many on this board who may have far more ability than me in this to help. And one of the ways Shamanism works is thru belief, so when you have some Governing Body member read this who is afraid of the Devil, and thinks Shamans are from the Devil, it will help this to happen, or if they believe in the supernatural or ghost, it will happen. Things like that set it off.

    And lets send the Governing Body some "ghosts" of some of thier victims that have died due to the lies of the Governing Body to haunt them ghost from Malawi, Haiti, as well as mothers who have died, children who committed suicide after being DF'd. I think by intention we can help some of these disembodied souls to search out and find them. Let's make bethel haunted!

  • Markfromcali


    I have to say that is not where the real power of mind is at. The truth often hurts, for both predator and prey, and ultimately it would involve the death of that identity. Remember there is much more going on than what affects us personally, or the circles of influence connected to that. If you had some ability and use that to serve the personal identity it kind of goes backwards, that's just the way it works. But if you can open up from that then you will have a better perspective to operate from. Actually, you can't get that while still identified with the personal consciousness, because it is simply too limited.

  • frankiespeakin


    I know. But while I'm still operating from a personal identity I figured on giving it a shot.

  • frankiespeakin
  • greendawn

    The GB are doing the devil's bidding and enjoy strong demonic protection and guidance, they ruined many lives and have a lot to answer for so there is much worse in store for them than just being forced to release their victims they will not release them because their sense of power and their wealth comes from exploiting them.

    It is the power of the Holy Spirit that can and will break them as much as any other witchcraft practicing daughters of Babylon.

  • frankiespeakin


    You still hung up on the Jehovah myth, remember the Jehovah of the OT was a very mean jealous bastard.

  • frankiespeakin
  • frankiespeakin

    You good researchers at bethel if thier remains any good ones there,,, find the Governing Body a very good psychiatrist, Jungian type psychiatist, you will be glad you did. O and If I offened any one of you by my critisism try to put that all aside for the welfare of all concerned.

  • greendawn

    Frank, I don't particularly like the old testament god jehovah and all the more so due to his association with the oppressive jw cult. I think he basically died with the death of the Mosaic law.

    Good luck with putting the senile GB members under a psychologist, most likely Jung would tell them that they are an over masculinised lot and need to blend in a bit of the feminine element to restore the correct inner balance. He could also tell them that they are the victims of mythological symbols residing in the unconscious mind.

  • frankiespeakin


    You speak so good. (picture that said by an italian gentleman with an accent smiling)

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