I still would have left the JWs but Id certainly still be feeling guilty about it, not knowing the 'truth' about the truth.
How Has The Internet Transformed Your Life?
by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends
I buy lots of stuff online, books I cant get hold of in the regular bookshop, I source way cheaper goods than if I only had access to the local shops, I have bought odd stuff (a wonderful replica victorian corset, a replica Lewis chess set). I plan all my holidays. I research lots. I get loads of teaching resources to make my lessons interesting and relevant. I got my Glastonbury tickets.
Its wonderful, but it will never replace books - you cant doze off in bed with a computer folded over your face as easily!
i would not be here on JWD today, if it were not for the internet and WWW. i view it as one of the greatest technologies ever developed by humans. up there with fire, agriculture, medicine and mathematics.
As another information junkie, the 'net has been a great boon. Message boards/forums have surprised me with the learning opportunities (thru other peoples' hard won life/professional experience) that wouldn't have existed for most of us before.
i was a kid, then at age 18 i got internet access and had it ever since, so that's almost 10 years. i could not have lived this life without it, i would have lived another one. the net is so involved in everything i've done, from people i have met, many many many thousands of conversations, places i have been, work, play, business, interests, keeping in touch with family, learning to type, and write, and learning not to punctuate lol, it's facilitated my income and managing my life, finances, entertainment, i learned a lot about people on here, and i learned a lot about myself... had there never been this internet, i would not be me. not even close to me, i cannot imagine what i would be like...
in answer to the question... how has it transformed my life... i have to say 'completely', the same as a child becomes an adult, i became an adult with the internet... it's hard to imagine not having it there, not knowing of its existence, not having my window to the world... it's like stability, or a familiar face when you are far away from everyone.
I have sex with my mate while my apostate page web counters are clicking away.
What more could i ask for?
I agree with what Netty said about travel information. We have done this and saved a bundle of money in just mileage alone!
Internet is a wonderful tool, and I love it.Thanks to internet, I have a very nice female friend...
I forgot to mention that the internet has made shopping at least in Europe much cheaper since internet stores have lower overheads than high street shops, and can sell substantially cheaper.
I'm an internet junkie. The post important thing it has done for me is hooking me up with a new network of friends. Meeting all the exJWs is almost better than therapy. Plus, someone, somewhere is around 24/7. I love that on these sites we can laugh our asses off. But, if someone needs to talk or vent, that can happen, too.
Plus, I've found old high school friends. Remember, the "wordly" people we were not allowed to associate with??!!!! Well, now I can talk to all those who were not JW. That even includes blood relations that were kept at arms length.
My favoritie thing now that i've found these sites is that I can wear the "I'm an apostate--and proud of it!!!" woohooo wooohooo!!!!!!!!!