I went to the meeting yesterday because the out of town speaker and his wife are good friends of my wife and I. After the meeting we got invited to someones house who was feeding the speaker because they know that we are friends and because Ive missed lots of meetings in the last two months and my wife and I need a good love bombing! Well during our lunch I was complaining about my having braces at 30 and how stupid I looked with them and the 83 year old sisters house we were at told me that I wasted my money on them because the end would be here with 7 years anyway. I asked her "do you really think so?" She said she didnt think but that she knew!! I couldnt help but wonder how many times she has said that through the years. She was babtised in 1952 and pioneering still. I couldnt help but feel a little sad for her. After all she no doubt never planned on growing old in this old system of things and shes in such bad health she will pass away within a couple of years probably. A couple of years ago I would have agreed with her comment about the end coming within 7 years but Now I see everything from a more educated point of view and comments like these sound like they come from someone completely brainwashed. My wife also said something to me about her comment. My wife is really starting to see the errors now and the vicious cycle that the witnesses have been in since there start.
long time sister told me yesterday that end would be here within 7 years!!
by PaNiCAtTaCk 36 Replies latest jw friends
Doubtfully Yours
The Bible must be wrong then! It reads that nobody knows when the end will come.
She was babtised in 1952 and pioneering still
That is such a long time to be fooled. When I read the title of your post, I thought, "SHISH, here they go again" but an 83 year old, I feel so sorry for her.
sweet tee
There was another thread where a sister delcared something similar if not the same time frame. It's so sad that people are wasting their lives waiting for something better, when the REAL LIFE is to be lived right now.
I often say to people who are postponing their dreams that "As far as we know for sure, this life is all we have so why not make the best of the time we have and try and do as many things as want to".
Imaginge what she could have done with the 50+ years she's served the borg. So sad really .
Interesting, I was just told the same thing....a friend said an elder told her that very same thing, seven years....What up with dat?????I feel sorry for the 80 year old sister, who has spent her lifetime going from one proclamation to the next...and we were always told NOT to speculate....
Ya, I heard that about 20 years ago. I remember my mom telling me, I'll never finsh high-school in this system. That was about 18 years ago!!
BTW....Happy Birthday Nettie
You can make a bet with her.
But I do not think she is going to make the seven years herself. So that is a bit useless...
Imaginge what she could have done with the 50+ years she's served the borg. So sad really .
Is it really? She maybe had a very happy life,and pioneering maybe she though it was very fullfilling her dreams. That they were based on a lie, so what. Is that not with 90% of the people? And most of the other 10% are also using ther life useless.
BTW....Happy Birthday Nettie
Thank you!
Visualize Redd Foxx on Armageddon a la Sanford and Son....