by dontnowat2believe 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dontnowat2believe


    I was driving in my brothers car with him about 5 years ago (hes now an elder), we were in the middle of a row when he turned to me and told me that when I die at armageddon that I dont need to worry because he said he will look after my kids, this upset me to the point that i made him stop the car and i got out. A friend of mine (who is a jw) I spoke to about it told me that he was just trying to be cruel and then went on to tell me that any children who are a part of a witness family would die at armageddon. I would like to know if anyone knows if this true ? And if it is then what the f***k is going on ?

  • googlemagoogle

    everyone dies somewhen... but definately not in armageddon. or was it in the weather-forecast recently?

  • Elsewhere

    Sounds like the Jehover's Witnesses are threatening you and your family with death if you don't join their religion.

    A real nice bunch aren't they.

  • Hellrider

    When I grew up in that insane crap-religion, we were told that children were "riding on their parents ticket", like on a bus-ride, children under a certain age don`t pay... This meant that all children of people who refused to become JWs, although they had heard about the Truth, would be killed in Armageddon. The children of people that were JW, would be saved if their parents were saved (that their parents had lived in the right manner/followed the rules etc).

  • carla

    Do you mean any children who are or are not jw will die? I thought everyone who isn't jw will be 'poofed' out of existence, and even the jw's who didn't 'do enough' may be exterminated as well. Anyone still going to the hell know the current teaching? carla

  • dontnowat2believe

    Thanks for the replies,

    I just wanted to know if there was any truth as a witness that if your not good enough then your children will die ? And how can they justify this, you cant make children responsible for thier perants actions. How would a jw kid feel if he was towing the line but knew his perants were just crusing, would all his efforts just lead to his death ?

  • kls

    Dontnow, this is the only way the jws can keep their flock is to scare the living crap out of them by threatening them with death and it gets even better when they use the children as the golden carrot to keep them ( bait ). This just goes to show that their God is unloving and hateful and so are the jws that feel the need to blackmail. This crap just sets me into a rage and this is the crap they used on my kids and me and i would rather be dead with my kids then even be near a jw in their so called paradise.

  • Honesty

    The JW's are false prophets.

    Romans 10:9 promises how to be saved.

    The JW's put one helluva screwed up spin on salvation. They do not believe what the bible says about anything until it is filtered by the apostate Governing Body and then spoonfed to them.

    There are going to be a lot of disapponted dubs pretty soon. Especially seniors who have been believing WT lies during most of their miserable existence.

  • Hellrider

    Carlas interpretation is correct. Anyone who has heard of "the Truth", but still has not made any effort to "join the flock", will die in Armageddon with their children. So will the JWs that haven`t lived the way the religion teaches them to live, along with their children. This is the part about JWs teachings that is, by far, the most unethical. Why should an inocent child suffer for the actions of their parents? So much for the "all children come to me". Sickens me.

  • GetBusyLiving

    At a District Convention I heard a speaker try to rationalize the killing of millions of children in the big A. He said that the world is getting so evil that children are getting worse and worse, then gave an example of some kid that blew his parents away. It was about the stupidest reasoning for something I'd ever heard a dub say, and there he was saying it right at the DC. I looked around at all my dub friends and there they were, just lapping it up.. with those crazy eyes.


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