Brief History:
Both my wife and I have faded from the Borg for about 10 years. We still maintain close relationhips with the dubs in our family on both sides.
My wife's sister has not only faded, but she has become an ordained minster, thus my mother in law calls her an "apostate" and refuses to have any contact with her.
Her 4 year old daughter will stay with my family for about 2 weeks in August. Since my mother in law has never met her grand daughter, she would like us to bring the child to her house while she is visiting.
The problem is MY mother in law has never met the child because she refuses to communicate with the child's mother.
My wife is begining to bow to the pressure of her mother and is now considering bring the child to grandma's and not tell her sister, who is vehemetly against it.
I feel that this is a huge violation of her sister's trust and I also agree that since grandma refuses to talk with her daughter, then she should not see this child unless the mother is present.
To make matters worse my mother in law is not above speaking badly about this "apostate" daughter to anyone who listens, including this sisters older children who live nearby with their father.
My wife and I have always maintained an united front at least in public, even if we dis agree about a situation in private.
My problem is I am finding this action to be so against my conscience, that I have doubts if I can support my wife' decision if she choses to introduce Grandmother and Granddaughter.
I've decided to be perfectly honest about my feelings about this matter, and maybe we will just agree to disagree on this, however I would like to encourage my wife against this, if only because I feel she will cause serious damage to her relationship with her sister.
Also, since I am the in law, I don't want to interfere in their family dynamics, but I just feel that this is wrong.
Words of wisdom, please?