I'm Happy Today

by Why Georgia 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    Well today is my wonderful husbands' birthday.

    When we were first together he didn't want presents, cake, no celebration at all.

    Last night he was so excited about his gifts he opened one in the middle of the night. He wants pizza for his birthday dinner and to go out for ice cream instead of a birthday cake.

    I just feel happy that he's come so far and doesn't see birthdays as some evil happening.


  • whyamihere


    Happy Birthday to your Husband!


  • Purza

    That is so sweet!

    Happy Birthday to your husband!


  • love2Bworldly

    Hooray! I love all celebrations.

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    Thank you Brooke, Purza and Love2beworldly,

    It's these little things that really help keep me going. I had been pretty depressed lately because I feel like the WTS is this big invisible elephant that lives in our house...but to see him happy about a birthday makes me just feel like maybe he isn't buying into all their BS anymore.


  • tdogg

    The guilt about holidays and birthdays is one of the hardest things to let go of. Sometimes the guilt with linger for years even after you have made up your mind about leaving. It definately sounds like that may be in the past for him now, congratulations! The elephant is dead...

  • econaut

    It took me a few years before I didn't feel guilty going into the Christmas section at a store. I can now say "Christmas presents" and not think twice. Just give him time.


  • jeanniebeanz

    Congrats on the breakthrough with your husband!


  • potleg

    Doesn't it feel good to celebrate something good. Only a bunch of nutters would turn something good into something bad and then say that its pleasing to god that we view the good as bad. Does this sound messed up? Are they messed up? I think it's stupid that JW's are allowed to celebrate the birth of a child before it arrives ( baby showers) but once it's here...oh no never again. Rejoyce!

  • PaulJ

    Happy Bday (for yesterday) to you hubby.

    I too have just started to celebrate my birthday, and like your husband got extremely exited about getting presents etc! Same with xmas, i feel like a 5 year old.


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