Leftie here as well. We certainly are better lovers and more creative and noisy as well! hehehe Brooke: I don’t turn my hand or paper either. Even been complimented on my unique & beautiful handwriting, ahemm, it was a lot of work compensating. Originally I would write from the right side of the paper till forced to learn otherwise. My parents even took me to a doctor before school age to see if my undesirable leftness (word?) was a fixable medical condition???? And, yes they were jw then. The world is definitely built for the right-handed. Check out the slant of your kitchen spatula! In the past wasn’t the left hand considered the hand of the debil himself? I’ve even run into older European born individuals who have told me that my leftness should have been corrected to rightness in order to be acceptable in society. Huh???
Any Lefties?
by Why Georgia 58 Replies latest jw friends
I'm a leftie too.
I use the mouse with my right hand and shoot B-ball and play guitar with my right hand. Most everything else I do left handed.
Why Georgia
Thank you for all the responses so far. I am definately going to get the book that you mentioned Zen. I hope it will give me some insight into my wonderful son. He is an amazing little boy.
So smart and he has already been tested and is considered gifted in Math and Science.
If you give him a big puzzle he knows how to put it together so quickly. And he is only 5!
He's always thinking and very specific about everything...I know you said no about this Mommy but what about this....
He is going to keep me on my toes!
I have never met another kid like him....! Not that I am biased but I think he is brilliant.
Writing is a challenge for him...his penmanship is all backwards and I have realized from all your posts that he is trying to write like me and his daddy. This explains a lot of things.
Thank you all and if anyone has anymore thoughts I would love to hear them!
AK - Jeff
Lefty here! I was ambidextrious [sp?] until age 6 when a broken right arm forced me to write left-handed only. I retain the ambidextrious skills in some things. Other things I just do right handed.
Hit a baseball = Right handed
Throw a baseball = Left Handed
Golf = Right handed
Kickball = Left footed
Most Power Tools = Right Handed
Hammer = Ambi
Screwdriver = Left Handed
Eat = right handed
Wear my watch on the left wrist - Don't most lefties wear it on the right wrist?
Computer Mouse = Right handed
TV Remote = Left Handed
I'm a lefty also.
I write and eat left-handed.
I bat and use a can-opener, scissors, and mouse with my right. Also, pick up heavy things with my right.
I learned to read at 3 and have always been a good speller. My writing is very legible. I was in the gifted program as a child and skipped a grade. Now I think I'm of average ability.
I did have much difficulty remembering left from right as a child. I get confused when looking at a map. Not very good with spatial relations such as blueprints. I almost didn't pass an Astronomy class in college because I couldn't figure out where one thing was in relation to another.
I have been a royal pain in college classes because I insisted they provide me with a left-handed desk if there were no tables. Why shouldn't I be comfortable when I write? Other than that, no particular inconvenience to be a lefty.
Oh, I always insist on sitting on the far left at the dinner table so my hand doesn't bump anyone else's while eating.
Hope this helps!
Eva -
I'm a lefty but pretty much only to write. I do most things right-handed.
What Jade Said.
I guess I'm one of those twisted gifted individuals. Artist, musician, poet, songwriter, wildly creative, not a sticks and stones thrower ( not inclined to sports ), arts and crafts inclined. Intuitive, in tune with my emotions, my X & Y factors, mildly psychotic, air headed at times, ( deer in the headlights look ) calculating, perfectionistic tendencies, overly emotional, psychic, manic / depressive, egotistical, overly animated, terrorized, sexually preoccupied, talkative, melancholic, morose, morbid, looking to deeply into things, extremist, eccentric, intelectual, whimsical, mysterious....
Your child may or may not experience some, all or none of the above traits. Persons experiencing any of the above symptoms any longer than six months should immediately see their doctor. Coming from one who is left handed, however, it's been a wonderful life, I wouldn't trade what's left of my life for anything that's right.
Another leftie here.
Yes I'm artistic, I am best visually so do big enterprise architecture diagrams and work and ENJOY it.
Scisors are annoying, the new ones with shaped handels that are fine for right handed people but instruments of tourture for lefties.
basically it's no big deal - don't worry - be happy.
I'm a leftie too :)
I used get told I was gammy handed in school
I'm a leftie. They tend to be intelligent, good-looking, and amazing in bed.
Lefty here too. I write left handed and also eat with my spoon left handed - most other things are done left handed. It was never an issue when I was at school - I thought it was cool because my nana and I were the only leftys in our family. Only recently realised I am quite artistic - took up painting about 2 years ago and people actually think they are quite good. I'm quite an obsessive compulsive too but that may not have anything to do with being left handed. I just think we are normal - right or left - what's the big deal!!! alw