Am I doing this right?

by RichieRich 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich

    So I was having an AIM convo with a girl from a neighboring congregation... We were talking about jobs... She is a regular pioneer who quit high school to pioneer. She did this when her parents were going to be able to support her, but then her dad lost his job etc. And shes out on her ass.

    So here's our convo... and this was mid way in, the first part is irrelevant...

    theycallmeB1GRed: so what

    theycallmeB1GRed: you arent in school

    Her: yeah but i will be

    theycallmeB1GRed: oh

    HEr: and ill have to come off the list so i can go to school and work

    theycallmeB1GRed: well money will get you further than service

    Her: hahaha

    HEr: lets see what happens when i tell my PO that

    theycallmeB1GRed: well if he pays your bills, then you will still pioneer

    theycallmeB1GRed: thats what you tell him

    HErs: haha

    hr: ok

    her: ill try it

    theycallmeB1GRed: because money and school will benefit you

    theycallmeB1GRed: if you dont pioneer, someone else will

    theycallmeB1GRed: but if you dont work, no one will do it for you

    theycallmeB1GRed: you can only stay at your mom and dads for so long

    her: VERY true

    her: its not really that i dont want to

    er: actually im looking forward to work & school

    her: and i plan to go back to pioneering as soon as i get everything in order

    theycallmeB1GRed: yeah but look

    theycallmeB1GRed: dont piss your life away.

    her: haha

    her: i dont want to

    theycallmeB1GRed: you can pioneer later

    her: yesh i know...

    theycallmeB1GRed: just like college

    theycallmeB1GRed: im going to college

    theycallmeB1GRed: and if the brothers dont like it, they can

    theycallmeB1GRed: A. pay my bills

    theycallmeB1GRed: or

    theycallmeB1GRed: b. screw themselves

    theycallmeB1GRed: cause you got to go now a days...

    her: yeah ya do, you cant even get a scum-of-the-earth job without a degree anymore

    Her: i dont really care what they say about me goin to school

    Hir: that doesnt bother me

    Her: im going anyway

    theycallmeB1GRed: right

    theycallmeB1GRed: but i heard that the drama at the convention is all about young ones not going to college

    theycallmeB1GRed: and they interview a whole bunch of people who didnt go to college and pioneered or went to bethel

    theycallmeB1GRed: but, like, what do you do AFTER that?

    Her: exactly, pioneering and bethel are great but if you dont have any job skills your screwed otherwise

    Her: and you need to be able to support yourself in it anyway

    Her: balance is key

    Her: i really dont see how they can say DONT GO TO COLLEGE

    Her: if you need it to get a job then whats the big deal

    Her: its different if your just going to say "oh i went to college for 8 years look at me"

    theycallmeB1GRed: it almost like they dont want people to learn anything

    theycallmeB1GRed: like they want to keep them close, and not let them go

    theycallmeB1GRed: like an over protective mother

    Her: haha

    her: well ima go eat something

    her: ill be back later

    her: oh btw where are you guys staying for comvention

    Notice how she totally changed topics? Typical dub reaction...

    SO what do I do next?

  • Odrade

    you did it just right. If there's a next, there's a next. Yeah, she changed topics, but that's because you made her just uncomfortable enough. That means it will stick in her head. You did awesome.

    And if there is a next, which there probably will be, since you didn't come off as a big badass subversive, just keep doing it like that. Say it true, but keep it light. She'll know who to ask when she starts getting the harder questions.

  • RichieRich


    BTTT for the latecomers

  • the_classicist

    You did very well. Just keep it extremely subtle and innocent and you'll sow the seeds of doubt quite easily.

  • ithinkisee

    The best point IMO was this:

    theycallmeB1GRed: and they interview a whole bunch of people who didnt go to college and pioneered or went to bethel
    theycallmeB1GRed: but, like, what do you do AFTER that?

    That was great ... good job Rich ...


  • tweety


    You really have a good head on your shoulders! (the whole education comes first conversation)

    I like your say it the way it is. That probably frightened her and she didn't know how to respond, so it was easy to just change the subject and make an excuse to slip away.


  • RichieRich

    This girl quit school to pioneer.

    She told me once she was glad she didn't go to high school, becuase she prob would've been DFed.

    This struck me odd. She knows she has a tendency to rebel. So she removes herself from the situation... So what my plan is... is to slowly nudge her to rebel.

    Pretty soon, shell be on here with us too...

    Thanks for the advice...

    Any body know any good ways to introduce the other things? (ie UN NGO?)

  • jgnat

    Oh, the other things? I thought you meant music. You are doing a good job, Ritchie. Keep it light. Her own brain will kick in any moment now.

    I think her biggest fear is that outside the society she will go totally wild. I would regularly reinforce her ability to be strong, to make her own choices and stick to them. Give her credit when she says something totally from her soul.

  • Euphemism
    Any body know any good ways to introduce the other things? (ie UN NGO?)

    I may be wrong, but I don't think UN NGO is the way to go. It's not something that impacts her life very directly; and unless she's the type that really knows doctrine, she'd probably just be like "what's the big deal?"

    But stuff that actually affects her directly, like the school stuff--that's the ticket. The kind of hypocrisy that she can see at an everyday level.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    good job richie,

    it's sounds like she is already questioning things. jehovah didn't come through for her and daddy, so maybe this is the start for her?

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