Were the elders in your congregation good,bad or indifferent?
by badboy 27 Replies latest jw friends
Seemed like a relatively OK lot to me. Of course, I was only a kid and had no real interactions with such people.
most are pretty nice. a few are a bit strange. a few are very ok.
but when it comes to doctrinal topics, only maybe one is pretty nice. -
First congregation I attended, I worked for one of the elders. He was an idiot. He'd grown up in the troof and was completely steeped in Watchtower logic and double speak. I'm not even sure he was capable of being honest with himself, let alone anyone else. He tended to lecture others in his public prayers and comments...very rarely did I ever hear an expression that related to himself and something he needed to improve on.
The PO of this congregation was a rather judgmental, punitive, old boys club sort of guy. He allowed the above elder to abuse people and make a mockery of supposed JW values in his business dealings and never (to my knowledge) did anything to curb this moron.
Another elder hated going out in service and avoided it whenever possible (I sympathized). In other ways it seemed like he was a hospitible person and concerned for the fatherless boys in the congregation. It later came to light that for all his concern for other people's kids, he was abusive towards his stepsons.
I never got to know the other elders well enough to form an opinion much. Fact is, they were just men. Some were good, kind people trying their best, and others were petty dictators in love with the little bit of power and prestige that being an elder afforded them.
AK - Jeff
Self Righteous, vindictive, ignorant of real problems, or uninterested in those problems. Self assured that they have attained position that gives them a sure salvation.
I have a real problem with elders in general. Although the GB sets the tone, it could and should be tempered in the congregations if these men were honestly spiritual leaders. They could change the whole spirit of legalisic, lovelessness that obtains. But they don't and never will.
On a personal level, I knew maybe 15 elders in 40 years that I wanted much to really do with. The real people are the publishers. The elders are 90% plastic clone, 10% human.
Indoctrination kills personality.
When you first join a cong- good
When you have been there a while- indifferent
When you need help/assistance/guidance/anything- bad
bad 25% (bullies who manipulate the other 75%)
indifferent 70% (the ones that let the bad elders be bad)
good 5% (never stay elders long; there were 8 ex-elders in one congregation, all couldn't take the crap any longer)
Our elders were okay, except for a couple. One was removed for (I think) telling his wife (the biggest blabbermouth in the cong) about jc's, etc. Another one was a pompous git. After I got kicked out of Bethel (a long story which I have to be quite drunk to tell) and came home in disgrace, I was sitting in the front of the KH, pouring out my heart to this guy. Really personal stuff, lots of anguish (stupid girl). He seemed to be listening intently. When I finished (in tears), he said "Did you know you have some black stuff on your glasses?" What an asshole.The others seemed sincere and tried to help where they could.
BTW--Does anyone know how many posts I have to do to stop being a danged newbie?
100 posts Sherri.
The elders in the congo were reasonably nice but there were sort of vainglorious power struggles between them they really cherished their status.
One influential elder made his son in law also an elder when clearly he was not mature for that position and this pissed off some ministerial servants who were mature and hoping to get the promotion. -
Indifferent. Still remain so myself included though I wish I could say I was a "good" one I am realizing that I am an enabler at best and the faster I can leave this regime the better for everyone.