Evolution and the Big Bang?

by emiter07 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • emiter07

    Hi, I was just wondering what the JW's beliefs in evolution and the big bang were. Is there an official position on this? I was reading the offiical website but I couldn't really find anything definite. I think it's frowned upon, is it not? Are neither of the theories considered fact? Thanks!

  • DannyBloem

    Big bang is accepted, although it is not a fact it is a theorie.

    Evolution is of course out of the question (for JW's) that is.


  • kls

    After this morning i am ascared to answer Friend or Foe ?

  • mtbatoon

    Nope it's creation or nothing. Any evidence to the contrary is ether explained away using there own unique brand of scientific reasoning or put down to the devils work in trying to mislead.

  • emiter07

    thanks for your replies but i'm a little confused. so are both theories not allowed or is one allowed and not the other? thanks again!

  • funkyderek

    JWs believe their god directly created the universe and everything in it. The Big Bang theory is vaguely compatible with this belief. Evolution is not.

  • doogie

    JWs believe in a literal creation of the universe. they believe in 'adaptation' within 'kinds' of animals (whatever that means) but not evolution.

    the only aspect in which they differ from young earth, fundamental creationists, is the young earth part. they allow the 6 days of genesis to refer to milleniums instead of literal days, so that the universe can be the billions of billions of years old that it is.

  • AlanF

    They sort of accept the general notion of the big bang, but are never specific about exactly what they seem to accept. It seems to me that they sort of equate the big bang with "the beginning" in a vague, fuzzy way, but are afraid to commit to anything specific.

    They reject evolution completely. However, it too seems to be understood only in a vague, fuzzy way. It's impossible to tell if they accept that life has evolved in the sense that, over the hundreds of millions of years of existence of macroscopic life, species constantly appear and disappear from the fossil record, although they published an Awake! article (I think) some years ago that seemed to accept the notion of long geological ages. What is clear is that they don't accept that life evolved on its own, but believe that God directly created it.


  • emiter07

    wow you guys are so great. thanks so much for all your replies in such a short space of time! just one last thing to ask: is there anything official that i can find online that explicitly states this? i tried combing the offiical website but it was really vague and i had a hard time trying to figure out what they really meant. thanks!

  • Sith

    And yet, to accept their position that Noah's Ark carried only animals "each according to it's kind", you have to believe in evolution.

    It's a quandary, I tell you! A quandary!

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