: is there anything official that i can find online that explicitly states this?
I don't know about online (they don't put a lot of their doctrines in online form; likely they don't want flak about some of them), but you can get regular books from any JW Kingdom Hall. Try to get the 1998 book Is There A Creator Who Cares? or the 1985 book Life -- How Did It Get Here? By Evolution Or By Creation? You can also ask the JWs to help you find articles in their Watchtower or Awake! magazines. If you show such interest, they'll likely try to be helpful.
: i tried combing the offiical website but it was really vague and i had a hard time trying to figure out what they really meant.
That's because they themselves don't know what they really mean. JW writers are completely incompetent in virtually all areas of science, including and especially geology, paleontology, biology, evolutionary theory, archaeology and history.
it's a completely arbitrary thing for those WT writers. they kind of go along with the big bang theory in a non-specific way, (probably because it is an accepted house hold term), and yet they say that god jumped into the unfolding evolution of the universe to create everything by hand on this tiny little non descript planet from a little galaxy called the milky way.
sometimes i wonder why cosmology doesn't offend them more than evolution? probably because you're dealing with physicists, and they use numbers instead of words. it's called math envy.
it's a completely arbitrary thing for those WT writers. they kind of go along with the big bang theory in a non-specific way, (probably because it is an accepted house hold term), and yet they say that god jumped into the unfolding evolution of the universe to create everything by hand on this tiny little non descript planet from a little galaxy called the milky way.
sometimes i wonder why cosmology doesn't offend them more than evolution? probably because you're dealing with physicists, and they use numbers instead of words. it's called math envy.
I can understand the diverence here. The big bang theorie is not treatening to them. It showed that the universe had had a beginning, so that is convinient. They claim of course that God caused the big bang. (hard to argue about it ayway).
How special this little planet in this little galaxy really is, we do not know. It depends on how many intelligent species there are in the universe.
A lot of brothers do not accept the Big Bang by the way. Because it is scientific probably and all scientists are wrong by definition. Got small problems with an elder when I explained the big bang in one of my public talks. Could show him some magazines to satisfy him and forget his witch hunt. Also tried to explain quantum therory but that was a but too much... foolish of me..