What is the dumb reason behind that? Is it Satanic too like horoscopes and Thanksgiving?
Why cant JWs celebrate Holidays again?
by Mary Phooty 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Most holidays have a Pagan origin. But so do round baked cakes, wedding rings, and so many other things that I forget right now--but the real issue is that almost everything has a Pagan origin but the JW's mostly single out holidays. Cult groups like to isolate people from their family and friends--this is the real reason behind not celebrating holidays and teaching to stay away from people who are not JWs.
Why cant JWs celebrate Holidays again?
I really don't care why they can't since I left the satanic cult.
BTW, you all are invited to celebrate Christmas in August in Knoxville, TN. with some of my christian friends Saturday, August 6, 2005 10AM-Noon. PM me if you wish to attend this celebration of Jesus.
So much for the WT lie that we celebrate Christmas on December 25 because it has pagan roots. Wonder what pagan celebration took place on August 6 or does anyone even care.
Doubtfully Yours
Bad question to ask on this board.
Lots of biased opinions, starting with mine.
I can just tell you that they're very stubborn about the various celebrations' roots.
Your best bet is to go to the source: www.watchtower.org
Independence Day and Thanksgiving go against the WTS principle of staying out of politics and patriotism (neutrality). They aren't pagan.
Anniversaries are allowed but not birthdays.
The WTS celebrated birthdays up until 1926 even had a publication to record your friends birthdays in.
The celebration of birthdays is of pagan origin. And JWs have a particular grudge against birthdays, as John the baptists (hope that`s what he`s called in english, I`m norwegian) head was served on platter for some spoiled princess` birthday in the Bible, and this exemplifies (in the heads of JWs) it`s pagan and ungodly origin.
Basically, they are not into promoting family tradition outside of their pseudo spiritual realm...or doing anything fun outside the org. No, I misspeak, anything fun in general. I was shocked to see the Bethelites celebrating christmas in Franz's COC. Over the years I figure they fine tuned their cultish custom of stripping away all individuality to include holidays and no matter what biblical verse they try to tie into it for members to buy it, it still makes no logical sense.
I am not a JW (lost my wife to them in 2003 and have since tried to learn as much as I can about them), and am probably wrong, but didn't JW's do just about everything a normal, or semi-normal, Christian would do up to 1926 or there-a-bouts? Celebrated Christmas/Easter, smoked, believed Jesus was God, could join the military, etc. In fact, weren't they know as something else other than JW's up until 1938, I think.
Doubtfully Yours
Since taking life in the lighter side, I rather enjoy celebrating certain holidays. I cannot conform to their strict views on holidays anymore.
I don't care about the roots of some of these, I just enjoy celebrating. Not going overboard, of course.
Known as Bible Students until 1931, but that is debatable that the WTS had any Bible Students left by then; 3/4 of their members had left by then to form small, independent Bible Student groups (several in fact today).
Used the cross on the cover of the WT until 1931.
By 1938, the elective elders and that arrangement were totally gone and the independent group concept that Russell started was gone forever.
Don't kid yourself, even before 1926, the WTS had concepts and doctrines that set them far apart from other religions.