How Many Writers Needed To Write For The WT, Awake, & Other Publications?

by frankiespeakin 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    I see how the WT & Awake, KM, and other publications are really dumbing down, and never really relay any useful information above a second grade school level. I wonder just how many writers are needed to write this crapola?

    I mean think of how easy it is to research information on the World Wide Web, and then think of the shitty dumbed down articles that you find in the WT Society's periodicals. I'm finding it hard to beleive it would take more than 2 people to write this shit,(one to write it and the other to proof read it(LOL).

    When I have a read of any of these publications I see there is a giant lack of information, it is basically all indoctrination propaganda with little substance.

    I think most writers used by the WT organization do shit for research, and are probably lazy bastards that know how to look busy to fool thier superiors into thinking they are really working hard. I bet a good portion of thier day is filled with listening to gossip and making themselves look busy.

    What's your opinion, I would especially like to hear from any writters.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    ......and as the Awake is going monthly - will they be 'laying off' some researchers / writers OR will the NEW Awake be better researched, and thus being the equivalent of studying for a Masters Degree?

  • Honesty
    How Many Writers Needed To Write For The WT, Awake, & Other Publications

    Just one. His name is Satan da debil.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I notice a lot of repetition and information recycling in the WBTS publications. I'm sure it doesn't take a whole lot of people or creativity to put together their publications.

    I could be wrong, though, as I've heard from Bethelites that their writing dept. is quite large in each of their branches.


  • blondie

    How many writers/support staff does it take to produce any monthly magazine of 32 pages?

    Guessing (because it has been a few years since I visited that area) at least 100 people including JWs outside Bethel they use for contributors.

  • frankiespeakin


    I could be wrong, though, as I've heard from Bethelites ;that their writing dept. is quite large in each of their branches.

    If that is truley the case maybe these writting departments in other branches are just for translation into thier language, and handling correspondence with questions from the brother in those lands?

  • Markfromcali

    I believe you will find the answer to that question when you find out how they replace light bulbs at Bethel..

  • frankiespeakin


    Guessing (because it has been a few years since I visited that area) at least 100 people including JWs outside Bethel they use for contributors.

    Ouch! These guys must be the best goldbrickers in the business. LOL 100 writter, to publish a 32 bi-monthly periodical. I beleive you probably are correct,, what a waste of human resources.

  • blondie

    I do know that each branch sets up their own KM and may have articles that do not appear in the others. People from other branches are sometimes requested to write articles for the magazines, called co-respondents. I also suspect that they run things through these areas to be edited and adapted to their cultural area, pictures for example, and make sure that concepts that are innocuous in the US culture are not insulting in another.


  • frankiespeakin

    I think any writter for the WT Society would have a hard time finding a job as a writter for any other publication except maybe for the Moonies, or some other brain washing cult.

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