If we start killing the brain-dead, they'll be next.
There's a good reason republican were against removing shiavo's feeding tub
by IronGland 15 Replies latest jw friends
They also won't have anyone left to vote for them.
I've noticed such horrible grammar is common amongst Americans. The worst example I can think of is people in New York coupling the third person plural pronoun with the third person singular verb, to be.
The worst example I can think of is people in New York coupling the third person plural pronoun with the third person singular verb, to be.
I live within an hour of NYC and don't recall ever hearing anyone use phraseology like "they is." What movies have you been watching?
I live within an hour of NYC and don't recall ever hearing anyone use phraseology like "they is." What movies have you been watching?
It must be more common in Brooklyn, then. That's where I heard various people use it (on the news I admit). (Didn't mean to stereotype all New Yorkers).
You know, I get so tired of the English acting as if they made the language...
Really bad taste, IG. Blanket statements rarely do anything but rub people the wrong way.
Exactly what was your point here? Or, was there any at all? Just one more mindless jab at the President of the United States?
Re: There's a good reason republican were against removing shiavo's feeding tub
Tubs for eating from can be quite useful when you got a large group, republican, dem or mixed.S
lol... And here I was frownin an stuff and now I'm smilin and stuff...
*passes the 'tub' of soup*
Gots any crackers?
Crackers coming right up