I went through with it!

by Frog 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frog

    I gave blood as planned yesterday, and it weren't all that bad! Anyone who says it doesnt hurt and feel uncomfortable is telling fibs though! All that passes relatively quickly, and it's all over within 20minutes at the most. The old dears working at the surgery were so sweet to me, getting me drinks and offering me food and stuff, I really lapped it up and made the most of it! They even gave me this cute beany teddy bear for my troubles.

    Started to feel pretty light headed towards the end of it though, pretty awful feeling actually. So, they swung me upside down in my chair to get the blood recirculating, and within a few minutes I was flully recovered. The poor guy next to me hadn't donated in some 20 years, and copped it much worse than me. He went this horrible jauntice colour, but within 20minutes he was fine again and walking his way outta there.

    Was a really pleasant experience all round. It's a good sensation to walk out of the clinic knowing that you've conquered your jw phobias on blood, and to know what good your donation will do i.e., cancer patients, accident victims.

    I'd highly recommend it to everyone who hasn't yet taken the plunge, especially if you're hungry cause they feed you rather well! frog of the no longer freaked out about blood transfusions class

  • diamondblue1974

    Glad to hear that all went well...its essential that these barriers that were built up through our time in the Borg are smashed down one by one...excellent news Frog.


  • Frog

    thanks matey:))

  • zagor

    IT was a noble thing to do, that’s all I can say.

    Wonder if they’d DF someone for giving blood too, hmm, they would!

  • talesin

    Right on! I can't give blood due to some former hepatitis, but am on the bone-marrow transplant registry.

    Heya, I know that weak feeling, it's scary ... happened to me during a miscarriage, as your blood leaves your body, there is a feeling that everything is slipping away ...

    thanks, frog, for taking that bold step ... and it is a bold step for an exJW!


  • Frog

    oh talesin, what a terrible thing for you to have gone through, I can only but imagine ((((hugs)))).

    I think it's extremely admirable of you to make that extra effort to be one the registry to donate what you can (bone marrow), very admirable indeed:)frog

  • crazyblondeb

    I'm SSsOOo Proud of you for giving blood!! Now, maybe you can maybe challenge the others on the board to do the same. After being an ER nurse for so long I know firsthand how important it is to give blood. There are times it is the deciding factor if someone lives or dies. If a serious trauma comes in, there's no limit on how much might get used for one patient.

    Also, if I'd have been your nurse, you would have felt NO pain!! I only use the large needles on bad boys And those are the ones that it MIGHT take several attempts to get it right!

    talespin-It's great your on the bone marrow transplant list! That definitely needs more public awareness!

    You guys are just too much!


  • Evanescence

    Yay good work Frog!

    You have saved someone else's life! I don't see what is wrong with helping others isn't that what Jesus told us to do?


  • talesin
    Also, if I'd have been your nurse, you would have felt NO pain!! I only use the large needles on bad boys And those are the ones that it MIGHT take several attempts to get it right!

    LOL !!!

    hehe, pain ... let's talk "blood gases" OUCH!

    Next time I need one, can I call you, cbd?

    And yes, the bone marrow transplant registry needs to be given much more publicity!!!


  • jschwehm

    I got my blood donor card a few months ago. Now I give blood on a fairly regular basis. Just did it last weekend in fact.

    Jeff Schwehm


    P.S. I always thought it would be interesting to have the Associated Jehovah's Witnesses for Reform on Blood People to sponsor a blood drive in one of the major cities the same weekend that the JWs were having a District Convention there. That way they could highlight for the public all of the contradictions in the blood doctrine. They could even say that they are giving blood so that JWs who take blood fractions can receive the stuff they needed even though the JWs are not allowed to give blood for these purposes.

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