Getting two timed by partner

by greendawn 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Emma
    What happened to that relationship?

    He's married to her. She wanted a family and thought she was getting mine. The kids have an uneasy relationship with them both. He's gone through her money and broken his promises to her but she's still looking at things in her own reality, even defending him. I almost feel sorry for her.

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee
    I almost feel sorry for her.

    emma; it's a waste of emotion feeling sorry for her. She got herself a two-timer ... whatever happens, happens.

  • doofdaddy

    Happened to me. My jw wife started to go to the gym, ....a lot. I suspected but was told straight up don't be so jealous, he's just a nice man. When it became obvious, the only really bad bit was the kids on both sides.

    We are mates now though, 15 yrs down the track.

  • mrsjones5

    Yup, got two-timed when I was 18. I was engaged to a jw, who got another young lady pregnant . He married her and my mother told me recently that he's now an elder. Boy I'm glad I dodged that bullet, besides which his mother is straight up crazy.


  • Emma
    emma; it's a waste of emotion feeling sorry for her. She got herself a two-timer ... whatever happens, happens.

    Sweet Tea, you're right. I call her the current Mrs. Cheap B*****d. She's his third and he'll jump boat again when she figures him out.

    I married him when I was young; he was the darling of the congregation, I was a pioneer. Looking back, it almost feels like an arranged marriage.

  • Es

    Not that it has happened to me exactly altho my ex jw hubby was getting off to porn while I was pregnant and I didnt find out till after we had sep. But my friend actually got invloved with a married man with kids. I hated it they would go off to cheap hotels or even use my house when i wasnt home. I hated them both for it. No man or woman should ever cheat on there partner. If they are unhappy then they should leave. Makes me sick es

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