Isn't caffeine a drug?

by Fatfreek 10 Replies latest watchtower medical

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    Some people cannot consume any honey at all. Similarly, for health reasons some may need to avoid alcohol, caffeine, dairy products, or other foods and beverages. Others may avoid such things by personal choice or because of widespread local sensitivity, not wanting to offend anyone. This reminds us of the apostle Paul’s comment: "If food makes my brother stumble, I will never again eat flesh at all, that I may not make my brother stumble."—1 Corinthians 8:13.

    Here is an excellant example of Paul's unbalanced reasoning...Don't work on making those people who are more sensitive to something 'stronger,' just surrender all personal freedoms to their weaknesses indefinately! I'm not saying we should ignore a persons weakness, but permenately alter our behavior until those weaker become stronger? How? On they're own? That is only one way to handle the problem, and personaly, I think it is the worst way to handle it. It allows the correctness of views of those sensitive to remain unchallenged and doesn't encourage personal growth OR respect and tolorance for differing views from them. Besides, differing viewpoints are partly how social cultures develope and evolve. Individual persons with agreeing viewpoints come together, and, over time, form a society of like minded, like feeling individuals. It's a normal proccess.

    What does that mean? Sometimes this stumble bumble stuff wears me out.

    Tell me about it. The GB has always used the fear of 'stumbling' someone to wrongly influence and steer the congregation in whatever direction they want.

    PS: Hey Homey!

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