Moments ago on Good Morning America they did a piece on a recovering Mormon, Heather Armstrong. The point of it seemed to be that she is handling her depression in part through her blogging journal. An analyst on that show recounted how Armstrong is, in effect, receiving group therapy by her online blogging.
My thoughts immediately went to this forum and how it is so therapeutic to many, me included, as recovering JW’s. I view this forum as similar to blogging since many of us spill our hearts out on matters that we have had to deal with. I can only wish that it had been an option in 1977 when I made my exit.
I wondered aloud for the millionth time, "what is it about leaving a cult (the Watchtower, Mormonism) that is so distressing".
I’ll go out on a limb here and suggest what then popped through my mind, that we are like jilted lovers or spouses -- and the amount of distress we’ve suffered, and are suffering, is directly proportional to our acceptance and commitment to the cult. Oh, sure, we all were "dedicated" -- I mean we were all baptized weren’t we? But after browsing this forum for a couple of months I see that there is a range of dedication -- from some who swallowed it "whole hog" down to some merely nibbling around the edges.
Consider me a hog and the ensuing distress was large.
What are your thoughts?