Some people believe that the GB of the JWs are a bunch of well meaning but naive and ignorant individuals who do not really mean to cause the harm they do cause in the R & F and they may not even be aware of it.
I personally disagree with that and believe that everything they do is based on shrewd cold blooded calculations that are meant to promote their interests, that they sold their souls to the Devil as it were in exchange of a huge intoxicating power trip. They are fully aware of the harm they cause but their conscience is singed beyond all sensitivity.
Any opinions?
The GB of the JWs guilty or naive and ignorant ?
by greendawn 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
When faced with a choice between cock-up and conspiracy, I tend to go for cock-up. Rarely are people intelligent enough to pull off a sustained conspiracy.
I suspect that the GB genuinely believe they're speaking for God, only it's got corrupted. They're also suffering from old men syndrome, a syndrome I just made up, which makes old men beligerant (sp?) and dogmatic, kind of like Iain Paisley, that sort of person. A bunch of religious bigots if you like, but not a group of conspiritors.
That's my take on it, based on my gut instinct, and on the assumption that Ray Franz was telling the truth in his book.
They are charged with causing the premature deaths of thousands of JW's because of their unscriptural blood prohibitions, dividing families, promoting distrust and competition among their followers, promoting hatred of all who disagree with their demonic doctrines, encouraging their adherents to lie under oath, deceiving millions with their lies and deceit and a host of other crimes against humanity.
The overwhelming evidence against them demands a verdict of guilty as charged.
Iggy you may be right but they are so much out of line that I tend to favour a consiracy theory to account for their actions.
See how they treat the annointed how can there not be any good ones in those 8000 so that they had to choose non annointed to replace them. What's up? And who chose them in the first place to be the GB of the annointed? What are their credentials? -
Whats a "GB"? I`m not familiar with the english terms.
GB is the short form of the "Governing Body" of the jehovah's witneses which consists of about a dozen old men.
I too think they are trying to just plug holes. I think they do believe they have the truth and they are feeling the same that many of us felt at times - that it was OUR fault and we need to do more.
On the other hand ... their prophecies so OBVIOUSLY do not stack up ... that I just can't imagine that NO ONE stands up in those meetings (the meetings where they are trying to find some sort of legitimacy for themselves) and says, "Who are we KIDDING here?".
It's because of them ommitting to do obvious things such as rejecting the failed prophecies, and completely ignoring the rest of the annointed (those 7990 out of 8000) that I suspect the worse about them.
I think once you realize that the bible is a myth and that it is better not to take what is written in it literally, you will better understand some of the bible induced psychoses that these men are under.
Somewhere in your life you have been conditioned to believe the bible is god's word without a valid basis, and now you just accept it without any validation, as a given.
I think they do believe in the doctrines themselves. But that doesn`t mean that they don`t take advantage of the power and the economical wealth they have. Whenever the top 10 goes on an expensive cruise,or buy a new house for some R&R, all paid for by the average JW, they probably don`t even see anything wrong with that. But whether they are genuinely religious or the leaders of a conspiration syndicate, they`re still guilty of ruining thousands of families, inflicting overwhelming psychological damage on young children, and even guilty of murder, with the blood-policies. Oh, and the suicide rate among ex-JWs is many times as high as in the rest of the population. They are GUILTY!