The GB of the JWs guilty or naive and ignorant ?

by greendawn 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin


    Oh, and the suicide rate among ex-JWs is many times as high as in the rest of the population. They are GUILTY!

    I didn't know they conducted a survey, can you tell me where you got your data?

  • heathen

    That's a real good quetion . I think they are guilty of false prophesy and of involvement with the UN as an NGO , of course we don't know how and why they thought it was a good idea but do know it wasn't to get a library card . I would like to see them open their books up to the public for scrutiny , I am beyond the blind trust that many in the org . eagerly display . I think that those that claim to be "anointed " should have a more active role in discerning accurate prophesy regardless of their being on the governing body or not . The gift of prophesy was for the congregation to build up faith that they did have Gods approval . The apostle Paul did say things that encouraged people to speak up if they had a prophesy and it would eventually be proven true or false . Thus people could be known for the liars they were .

  • garybuss

    I never met the governing body but the Witnesses who told my sons to shun me, the Witnesses who belly pushed me and my 3 year old son, the Witnesses who took my son out of the hospital against medical advise, and the Witnesses who advised my wife to refuse medical treatment, are guilty. I wish them an extremely bad life.

  • crazyblondeb

    If they were in a court setting, with all the evidence presented, heard by a jury of peers, they would be found GUILTY!!!!

  • talesin

    This is an easy one.

    They condone and cover up child abuse.


    Next question?


  • zagor
    See how they treat the annointed how can there not be any good ones in those 8000 so that they had to choose non annointed to replace them.

    Actually as far as I can remember that number was always around 8000 or at least for the last 30-odd years. At times even increasing.

  • potleg

    Over the years an impersonal entity has been created that is bigger and more powerful than any individual...The Society or The Organizaion The GB aim is always to protect this entity and see that no harm comes to it. So what if lives get ruined or coverups and lies are concocted to save the image of Gods channel. The faithful and wise servant serves the Organization first and only. Ordinary lives don't really matter that much in their scheme of things. GUILTY

  • gumby

    How does a Catholic remain a Catholic after years of studying religion and it's backround? How does a pastor remain a pastor when he studies religion and it's roots? What are the chances that 12 men would all remain faithful to a lie?

    I think most of them know much of the religion is a bunch of shit, but the good they believe they teach.....outweighs the shit. If any of them took a stand like Ray did, they know they'd be sellin lemonaid on New York street corners tryin to make enough to eat on.


  • Hellrider

    Frankiespeakin, you can read an article about it here:

  • luna2

    I'm with those that think the GB, for the most part, thinks they are doing what's right. I also think that they know that there are huge problems with the religion, but they don't want to look too closely at them. It's easier to continue believing that they are favored by God and everything will come out right in the end, I'm sure.

    I don't know how much these men live in the real world. I don't think most of them have the ability to step back and really look at the organization that they've given their lives to. If some have been able to do this and still remain, it's because of fear. Like Gumby said, what are they gonna do? Sell lemonade on the streets? It's easier to just go back to your rooms play some Kingdom melodies and bury your head under the covers, trusting that Jehovah will correct it in time...hopefully well after you're dead.

    If there is a God, if he really takes an interest in anything that's going on on this planet, if he cares at all that these people have lied in His name, destroyed families and individuals in His name, covered up crimes in His name, sacrificed innocent lives in His name, and made a mockery of His name...if any of that matters to Him, then this "Governing Body" are judged guilty and I hope they are sentanced accordingly.

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