Anyone interested in astronomy???

by zagor 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • zagor

    Never saw a thread even remotely related to a topic of astronomy. So I'm just wondering if any of you shares my interest in the subject or is it all sex drugs and rock and roll (just kidding)

  • Honesty

    Yes, actually. I am looking forward to seeing the results of 'Deep Impact' in the next few weeks and months.

  • greendawn

    I am fascinated by the sheer immensity and order of the universe with its countless billions of galaxies and trillions of stars and the photos of galaxies at the "edge" of the universe thanks to Hubble, the sheer power of it all.

  • zagor

    Few more hours to go!

  • lawrence


    Happy B-Day, more interested in Manuscripts and Software Code Generation, than sex and rock and roll - but just by a little bit - love 'em both. Yes, I love astronomy, and waiting, as is JASON, who is on target with the implosion at 1:54 AM.

    Nasa wants to poke God's eye -
    Shooting a probe into the sky.
    Man think he can make man,
    Get a killing job in Iraq, SAM.

    Nimrod shot far into the skies,

    "Nobody gets out of here alive." (Thanks to Jim - The Lizard King)

    Oh Yeah.

  • zagor

    Thank you Lawrence, and thank you for the poem, it is awesome.

  • Narkissos


    Most of the little I know about astronomy I learnt in Bethel -- there was a very smart young fellow there who had built his own telescope and gathered quite a group of fans. We spent many nights outside gazing at the stars, planets, galaxies and nebulae. That was really fascinating -- I'm sorry I've not dug it more afterward though.

    Incidentally my stepbrother who studied a few months with JWs when he was a teenager and quit just in time not to waste his life with it became an astrophysicist.

  • one

    Not really, but why are 'they' going to the moon again?

    is it to 'import', monopolize and make helium3 the new source of energy instead of hydrogen? (that's found everywhere on earth...)

  • free2beme

    It's interesting, although I enjoy Tarot Cards more.

  • luna2

    I have no great knowledge of astronomy, but I love watching shows about it on television, looking at pictures online and reading articles about it. Am also looking forward to keeping up with the "Deep Impact" project.

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