If a dub needed your help as in a medical emergency or in getting employment/job contract or in getting your support in a dispute with someone on a non religious issue or in some other way such as in a car break down would you help them?
Would you help a dub?
by greendawn 43 Replies latest jw friends
In a life threatening situation, I would help most anyone.
I won't be used by a dub to get a job or something of that sort.
It truly depends on the dub. If it someone I like, I would be inclined to help.
However, in the case of most of them, if they were broken down on the side of the road, I would drive by with middle finger extended, chin up, and hammer down.
Yes I would...not any Dub but surely if i knew them it would be only right that I help out...its not them I want hurt or dead its their organisation.
No I wouldn't !!! Everything with them is conditional. let them go to their dub friends for help!
I would be apt to help anyone in distress even a dub. About getting a job......it would have to depend how well I know them and if I even like them.
yes ofcourse, to not do so just because they are a witness would be discriminatory
I would always help anyone in an emergency situation. Part of the reason I left was their lack of love. To pass a witness up that was in a bad way would be acting like them. Besides maybe it would open their eyes to the fact that people other than them are good.
What are you, the new Minimus?
Sure, and the reason is I don't care about their dubness. To deny it would make that significant.
Some things are right no matter what a persons beliefs are. I refuse to let anyone or any organization make me a smaller person, if someone needs assistance and I can do it without negatively impacting my own well being, why not?
La Capra
I would help a JW to the extent I would help anyone else. But I wouldn't lie or misrepresent facts on one's behalf.
In general, if I do not trust a person's honesty, I would not pull strings, grease wheels or make "beneficial introductions" for them. Also, as a general rule, I do not find JWs to be honest. Whenever one comes to my door I test it, and get them to say things I know they know are not true, because they think it's what I want to hear (I got one to say that the WTBTS is active and financially supportive of domestic abuse victims, to the extent that the WTBTS would shelter and hide them from their abusers-a personal favorite of mine).
I could never vouch for a JW's veracity, not even my own mother's, and as such I would not want to risk my reputation for one.