Wife is pretty much done!

by mkr32208 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mkr32208

    I haven't been here much for the last 6 months or so because... (drum roll please) My wife has pretty much called it quits! She's not been to a meeting now in over a year! (well she went to visit a gung-ho friend for the weekend and went to one sunday) No service in at least twice that long! The final straw was this weekend assembly in gainsville we went down friday and she was too sick to go and suggested we just go home! I'm still not pushing but I asked her the other day "do you think gods gonna be happy about _______ at armegedon?" she said "whats that matter it's not coming anyway right!" She wasnt' even mad or anything!

    Now the problem she's having a second childhood/midlife crisis! At 30! Thats too young for mid-life crisis and too old for 2nd childhood! Jeez I'm trying to get her to focus her energy on going back to college but even trying to deal with a 30 year old 16 year old is better than a dubber!

    She still plays at it for her parents and one friend but she's out now! Once she gets past the depression/crisis that follows for everyone and the 2nd child hood of drinking like a fool and messing around and settles down again maybe she'll come on here and tell you guys about it!

  • Gill

    mkr - hang on in there. We all go through some kind of crisis after finding the 'truth'. She'll settle in time. Just make sure you're there doing lots of 'crisis' things with her!

    Best Wishes


  • candidlynuts

    maybe she's not having a crisis..just high on freedom?

  • crazyblondeb

    Just be there for her. She's actually found that there is life after JWs and she won't be struck down for enjoying it!!

  • greendawn

    Good she got over the armageddon deception by realising that is not coming and it's nothing to fear. Perhaps soon she will be going back to college.

  • homesteader

    Yeah for your wife and you too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I like the advice to stay by her side during this time.

  • outnfree

    Hooray! Hooray!

    Keep it light and keep her happy during this afterglow of emancipation from the cult and you'll both be on the road to enjoying THIS life! Postponed expectations are a drag!


  • Netty

    Wonderful news! It is great that you both get to be out together.

  • potleg

    I think lots of us go through some sort of crisis when we finally figure out the WT has been decieving us. When I got out I did a lot of drinking and partying which didn't help my marrage. But there is such a void to fill and for me such a lot of anger. Give her a little time and support and she'll come around. As you sid it's better than her being a dub.r

  • luna2

    Whoohoo! That's great. Hope you can convince her to go back to school when she's ready.

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