I went a bit crazy when I stopped going to meetings etc too. All night parties, drinking excessively you name it... This happened for me when I was 27/28 and I began behaving like a wild teenager. The good news is I got it out of my system and it didn't take that long. One thing that really helped me was that I met my boyfriend who knew my past and stuck by my side. He tells me sometimes still I am like a little kid but is so good about it. It reminds me that I am in fact 30, to try and put my past behind me and just behave in a balanced way. I mean I still have fun but try to cut back on the stupidity/silliness whatever you like to call it. I couldn't have done it without him.
Wife is pretty much done!
by mkr32208 23 Replies latest jw experiences
Congrats.....and it was helpful to take long walks with my wife as she puked out the frustration of not going to college and where she might be in the way of personal development if it weren't for being in the cult. (not that all of it was bad, but even the good parts are bad since it's all conditional)
So get some good walking shoes and be a good listener. Dwell on the positive when you can.
Hello, and congrats!! That's good news. Just be there for your wife, she needs to let the past go, and it might not be pleasant. She'll need to vent, and probably rant, and ....maybe a membership at a local boxing club might help her to get out all that suppressed anger... It does help....hitting that heavy bag does improve one's spirit. Life will be so much better once she gets THAT "religion" out of her system...there is a light at the end of the tunnel, my thoughts are with you and the Mrs....Keep us posted.
30 was bad for me. Major reality check on just what I was accomplishing in my life and how far I was into it. Huge "midlife" crisis.
40 was, "Yeah, whatever." Hoping for a party at 50 and should be a little kid again at 60.
Life gets better...well, at least until I have to wear diapers again. But, that shouldn't be for a while yet.
So glad to hear the good news. It must be an awesome time for you, I know I would be just thrilled if my mom or sister drifted away. I'm happy for you.
Well this is good news. I am happy that some dubs are leaving because of the Armegeddon Delayed. It gives me hope for other old friends of ours.
The other thing (wife's joy) Heck fella you're only 30. You should be over doing everything too. At 30 you are still vibrant and young, don't let your sweetie have all that fun alone! And when she gets back to college she'll have plenty of new friends to horse around with.
sweet tee
I've noticed that women will go through changes at pivotal ages/stages in their life. At 29 is when I began to question the choices I made and the direction my life was going (I had also done so at 20 and 25). That's when I was ready to leave the b0rg for a better life.
I think the most important thing is for you to just BE there and LISTEN to what she's going through. Don't push her right now ... you may push her right out the door if she feels her freedom to choose is hampered. She'll figure out what she wants to do as far as education, career etc. in her own time. It's a process - she has to find HER true personality as she discards the psuedo person she's cloaked her self in for conformities sake. Now that she's disconnected from the b0rg the world is her oyster. Make sure YOU are the pearl inside .
I wish you and your wife the absolute BEST! Please keep us posted.
Good news. We will wait patiently for her on here
Congrats!! I am extremely jealous.
Now tell me how you did it, and how long it took!!!
Censer Watchtower esse delendam
slow-steady-deliberate-relentless -
Congrats to you and your wife
Your wife seems to have the attitude she has because she feels armageddon is a ways off since she replied.." it isn't coming anyway".
I think the generation change was one of the biggest upsets the society has ever pulled on themselves. Apathy has been in plentiful amounts amoung the publishers since the 'generation change' took place. They bit their own hand that was feeding them. Little did they know the flock would respond in the way that it has.