Another question for JW"s

by Apostanator 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    Soon was a literal generation of 80 years according to them, that was then changed to a figurative generation of unlimited years, yet the end continues to be very near. People in their 60's and 70's are worried.

  • mrsjones5

    Soon: can you say Chicken Little?


  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    have any of you heard a C.O. or D.O. at an assembly say, "we used to say 'armageddon is around the corner'... well brothers, we have passed that corner, and armageddon is right in front of us." i have... and it was very exciting. now it's less exciting and insulting and retarded. i feel bad for the people who might still get excited at similar expressions they might hear at various Jdub gatherings... oh well, hopefully they'll have their eyes widened by something sooner or later

    bethel minute

  • Mary
    have any of you heard a C.O. or D.O. at an assembly say, "we used to say 'armageddon is around the corner'... well brothers, we have passed that corner, and armageddon is right in front of us."

    Oh my god, I remember that!!! I totally forgot about it until you posted many frigging years ago was that?? We must've been at the same assembly!

  • gumby

    'armageddon is around the corner'... well brothers, we have passed that corner, and armageddon is right in front of us."

    Yeah......but let's say your out hiking and you turn a corner and you see mount Rainier 100 miles away. Can't you say it's right in front of us?

    *tries ta act like a dub*


  • jeanniebeanz

    Stop acting like a dub, Gumby. You're scaring the children. And for Gods sake man, put on some pants!!


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