My website is still currently in build, the logo currently is in the works of being replaced. I like to ask for your opinion, good or bad about my site and what ideas, suggestions you may have. Hope everyone had a great holiday yesterday. Laters! Yiz
My Website, what do you guys think of it?
by Yizuman 21 Replies latest jw friends
Does it make any good for you if you get more users ?
I think the images are too big - this can create a "fisher price" effect. Smaller would be better IMO.
I like the information you have on your web page but when you first look at the page you don't know what you page is about. I think alot of people will just leave with out trying to figure it out.
I like the information you have on your web page but when you first look at the page you don't know what you page ;is about. I think alot of people will just leave with out trying to ;figure it out.
That's what I did earlier today.
Click here: Knocking Documentary Project Do you want to add this????
Sorry Yiz rhe devil made me do it (((HUG)))
Ok I will try to make the images smaller then.
So smaller images, what else?
Yiz -
Ok I made some images smaller, hope this helps. The top menu is already a built in template made for Mambo (a ready made PhP package, see for more information) users like myself.
The "E" logo will be replaced eventually, I want something that associates with the software world. If there's any graphic artists on board that could help (and maybe discuss payment plans for the job) as I am not much of a graphic artist myself. If you need the original templates that surrounds the "E" logo, PM me an addy and I will send the zip file that came with this so you can look at it.
Your suggestions and feedbacks are helpful, please keep them coming.
Mouthy baby, what's that link all about? Heh, I'm trying to keep my site on topic.
For those of you that don't know what it is, it's a shareware/freeware/games site for downloads as well as some reviews (depending on how good the software is that's worth alot of rave reviews from me.) Sometimes I have some off site topic in mind to post, but they're mostly rare.
As for new members, that's gonna take a while to build, my site is just a little over a month old and it's not gonna take overnight to build a loyal fanbase for my site. So I need to wait and be patient.
Lazyslob wrote: "Does it make any good for you if you get more users ?"
What do you mean? Can you explain a bit more please?