Celebrating your birthday. Just how far can one stray from the "truth"
Have a wonderful day Englishman. I'll have a cervesa in your honor today.
by Englishman 42 Replies latest jw friends
Celebrating your birthday. Just how far can one stray from the "truth"
Have a wonderful day Englishman. I'll have a cervesa in your honor today.
Happy burpday.
Shall I wear a special burpday dress on saturday??
Happy birthday from a happy buncha monkeys!
(isn't this the funniest birthday cake you ever did see?)
Habe a great b-day!
Happy Birthday E-man!!
Happy Birthday E-Man, Here's wishing everyone a happy time at the BBQ.
Happy Birthday Englishman!!!
I have enjoyed reading all of your posts. Your picture reminds me of my father. You are very handsome. Do all of you English know each other, to meet up at the pub? I would so like to be there!!!!! Sounds like so much fun. I read about a party in Texas. Maybe I can get an invite to the next one??????
horrible life (but getting better since I have found you guys)
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y ! ! ! ! !
Happy Birthday E-man!
And many happy returns!