Question for Christians

by Ticker 76 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Ticker

    Ok I just have a few questions Ive always wanted to ask. This is open to non christians as well.

    Can christians actually somehow communicate with the Lord like Ive heard and read so many times. The watchtower GB claims to communicate with God, the Pope, Christian liberalist, and the list goes on.

    Anyway all I want to know is can Christians communicate with God in anyway, and please dont answer "oh yes through prayer" because thats a one sided conversation. If that was the case I could say I communicate with my walls. I want hard actual experiences that you so often hear about how ones hear communication from God or that they feel his power in their souls. If communication is possible with God directly today as many claim, how does this happen? Are these people legit or have they brainwashed themselves into believing they communicate with God?

    I often used to think that when I prayed God listened, but now im not so sure. Is prayer to God a possible mind game with yourself? I mean do we as wanting believers create in our minds the idea that God exists and listens? Or are we merely fooling ourselves as we pray on deaf ears? Does God really listen? If so why must their be so much suffering and death before he does something about it?

    Im really having a hard time these last few months, and I feel im falling into the trap that ive tried to keep others out of, and that is that their is no heaven above and no hell below, its up to us to better this one sweet world. But why! WHY! would God let people suffer under the name of religion, nevermind the JW's but religion as a whole, why so much suffering for greed in the name of religion?

    I keep telling myself that it is because of organized relgion not so much Christianity, but how can we no for sure when we have no proof God even exists or existed?


  • Faith

    That is a very long question! I do understand it though and believe that most human beings have asked the exact same question at one point in their lives. If I may I will describe my first two sided conversation I had with God.

    First of all let me talk a little about science. We know that in the animal world, animals communicate in a telepathical way. It has been proven in research and you can study it more in depth if you wish. There are many forms of communication invisible to us. Bee pherimones, squash a killer bee and for miles around come charging his friends. There are animals, even a paraket that could predict when it's owner was going to have an epileptic siezure. Dogs that can know when thier master is going to have a siezure, even diagnose cancer. Think about radio waves, they blow my mind. So to imagine that the Intelligent Designer of all this could communicate to us in a sometimes invisible way, is not crazy or unscientific.

    Most often today Christians will not say they hear an audible voice of God. It is on a telepathic level that has physical actions that confirm the communication. Often a Christian will have strong feelings to move in a particular direction after prayer and or Bible reading seeking Gods will in thier lives. Following Jesus cannot be based on a feeling but also on His written word.

    My first two sided conversation happened like this; I was an unbaptized publisher with three children. I had been raised in the WTBTS since childhood. My life up to that point had been spent seeking Jehovah through the WTBTS. I had a closer relationship with the WTBTS than I had with Jehovah. I felt that since I was not yet baptized, not yet making a decent amount of hours out in service, not attending all the meetings..that I was not worthy or aproved.

    With this mindset, I ended up in the hospital dieing with massive abdominal peritonitus from a hysterectomy gone very bad. Fevers that would not go down. Unbelievable pain. Paralyzed intestines, I would stop breathing when I fell asleep and force myself to wake up and gasp for breath. The Doctor came in and apologized, there was nothing more he could do. My JW friends came to say thier goodbyes. I was frantic. I was not ready to die! On the 6th day I prayed and begged God for more time. This is the part I think you want to hear. I was visited in the Spirit by Jesus. He came to me, lifted the veil and stayed with me that dark fearful night. He spoke to me in the Spirit, told me I could honor Him, give Him glory, and call on Him. I surrendered my life to Him that night. He already bought and paid for me, but He wanted to hear it from my own heart. The manifestation of that night was confirmned the next morning by a miracle. My fever broke, the machine the GI tube was attached to was malfunctioned and the nurse easily discovered it and hooked me up to the hospital wall aspirator, which then aspirated the contents of my stomache. I was drowning in my own bodily fluids, it was full of unexplained blood and mucous. It took four hours to aspirate. My demeanor also changed drasticaly. I was frightened, now I was at peace. Incredible serene peace. I was lost, now I was found.

    When the JW friends came that day hearing I was still alive they were terrified of what they seen and heard. They seen a miracle with their own eyes. My life since then has been beautufil. It has not been easy but I have never been alone. I now have a personal relationship with God through His Awesome devine Son. The proof is evident in my life. I felt His presence, I heard Him that night without words. I did not create this miracle, if so I would be certifiably schitzophrenic which I assure you is not the case. I may be excentric, but very sane.

    I have a deep .......peace... now of why bad things happen to good people. I guess it is because my faith is powerful after what I experienced. I can not put into words how I trust that God has a plan for all suffering. I hate it, He hates it too. God is not unable to smash the bad guys, He is allowing it for a time. Death is not a terrible end. God has given me thirteen years since the experience in the hospital. I may not live through this year. If we can put our lives here in true biblical perspective, our time on earth is but a short little test in the eternity of our lives. All our lives have a purpose and God has a plan. I believe that every godly person suffering unto death is now in the presence of God. I believe it because the Bible tells me so.

  • Honesty

    Yes, God communicates with His people today through the Holy Spirit just as He has throughout mankind's history. The WT teaches otherwise but they are apostates.

    With this mindset, I ended up in the hospital dieing with massive abdominal peritonitus from a hysterectomy gone very bad. Fevers that would not go down. Unbelievable pain. Paralyzed intestines, I would stop breathing when I fell asleep and force myself to wake up and gasp for breath. The Doctor came in and apologized, there was nothing more he could do. My JW friends came to say thier goodbyes. I was frantic. I was not ready to die! On the 6th day I prayed and begged God for more time. This is the part I think you want to hear. I was visited in the Spirit by Jesus. He came to me, lifted the veil and stayed with me that dark fearful night. He spoke to me in the Spirit, told me I could honor Him, give Him glory, and call on Him. I surrendered my life to Him that night. He already bought and paid for me, but He wanted to hear it from my own heart. The manifestation of that night was confirmned the next morning by a miracle. My fever broke, the machine the GI tube was attached to was malfunctioned and the nurse easily discovered it and hooked me up to the hospital wall aspirator, which then aspirated the contents of my stomache. I was drowning in my own bodily fluids, it was full of unexplained blood and mucous. It took four hours to aspirate. My demeanor also changed drasticaly. I was frightened, now I was at peace. Incredible serene peace. I was lost, now I was found.

    I doubt very seriously that you are a JW today because JW's do not believe God has the ability for a one-on-one relationship with individuals.

  • the_classicist
    Can christians actually somehow communicate with the Lord like Ive heard and read so many times. The watchtower GB claims to communicate with God, the Pope, Christian liberalist, and the list goes on.

    The Pope may claim infallibility, but he doesn't claim to comunicate with God.

  • pennycandy

    You know how sometimes you can "feel" someone behind you before you actually see them? I feel God's presence is sort of like that. It's nothing you can put your finger on, but it's obvious it's there.

    Aside from those personal feelings, no, I don't know of any hard proof of anyone communicating with God.

    Are you fooling yourself by believing in God and praying? Maybe. No one can prove He exists, or that He doesn't. Personally, I'm happier believing He does and that I have somewhere to go after I die. It's comforting to think He's with me when I need it.

    I don't think my life would be any different if I wasn't a Christian, except that I wouldn't make the occasional church service that I do now when I feel like it. I don't give money to God. I usually slip $5 in the basket to cover the childcare they're providing.

    I all boils down to what do you feel comfortable with. If you come to the conclusion you don't believe in God, you should be satisfied in that belief. If you think maybe there is a God, He doesn't ask for much. You don't have to trudge to church every week, tithe, or try to convert people. Believing takes faith, but not that much effort.

    You're not going to get proof either way. You don't have a deadline to decide what you believe. If there is a God I imagine He would understand why perfectly intelligent, good people may come to conclusion that He doesn't exist. If you feel like it, keep praying and leave the door open. It'll only cost you a few moments.

  • RunningMan

    "We know that in the animal world, animals communicate in a telepathical way"

    No, I don't think we know that.

    Keep in mind your brain receives information only from sensory input. Every one of the five senses have prominent receptors. For example, verbal communication is received through the ears, which are prominently attached to the sides of your head. Likewise, sight, smell, taste, and touch all have receptors to gather signals and translate them into impulses that your brain can understand.

    There are no unidentified receptors in the human body. Therefore, no telepathy.

    Now, on to prayer. Every day, billions of prayers are uttered. Yet, there is no concensus regarding prayers being answered. In fact, double blind studies have consistently shown prayer to be effectless.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    i think prayer is a mind game and placebo, of course.

    however, some people, here on this board, claim to have had two way interactions with jesus or something supernatural of the like. i won't mention any names, but LittleToe, for example, has had some very unique experience(s?) in this regard. but really, these experiences do not offend my reductionist/materialist sentiments, when the explanation of the experience is tempered by the caveat that it is subjective. this puts it in perspective. it doesn't make them wrong and me right, it just puts it in an honest frame of reference. and of course, there is no arguing with this.

    people will argue the point fervently on both sides. in that regard, i like this Dawkins quote:

    I think it's important to realize that when two opposite points of view are expressed with equal intensity, the truth does not necessarily lie exactly halfway between them. It is possible for one side to be simply wrong.
    Tiker: But why! WHY! would God let people suffer under the name of religion, nevermind the JW's but religion as a whole, why so much suffering for greed in the name of religion?

    but that is precisely the point my dear man. if there was a God, religion would be a world different.

    Tiker: but how can we no for sure when we have no proof God even exists or existed?

    we can't know either way. but we can talk probabilities. and the probability that he doesn't exist is high. and my point above could be taken a step further in this discussion. if there was a god, the universe would be a universe different. here's another cool Dawkins quote that i like regarding this:

    The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind pitiless indifference.
  • greendawn

    God gave men the gospel to abide by it and find peace but they rejected it so they have to shoulder the blame, for the suffering that results from such disobedience. Why men rejected the gospel and chose death over life I don't know.

    On whether god exists or not that's an evolution - creationist debate that occurred here many times.

  • Faith

    From my own personal studies in science and the nature of DNA, since DNA can only copy itself and there is no other way for it to exists, considering the Second Law of Thermodynamics and entropy, it is logical for me to believe in a Creator. I respect everyone's right to believe otherwise. As far as unseen power, one said that there is no evidence of telepathy.

    From Wikipedia;

    Perhaps the most interesting contemporary developments lie in those explanations which attempt to tie naturally developed aspects of human sensitivity (by some accessible medium) to the realm of current theoretical quantum physics, which has radically changed the formal understanding (classical physics) about the nature of time and space, energy and matter, and the relationships between each. The most evolved concepts of telepathy draw from both ideas in psychology and physics: That any mind can be conceived of as a naturally-formed matrix of electrical signals grown and suspended within a physical scaffold, and that all similar minds have evolved similar capabilities for influencing and receiving fluctuations at the quantum levels, where the normal laws of time and space do not apply. They further claim that psychological concepts of personal and collective identity, sanity, boundaries, self, emotions etc. all are as much (if not more so) aspects of a "psychic medium" as they of the physical structure (brain). In essence, proponents claim that telepathy is not "extrasensory", rather that the brain is the telepathic organ; its connections to other brains are not physical, but psychic, and the very definition of the psychic medium is the localized inertial frame of reference which is affected by the mind. This new and scientifically grounded approach provides the context for the amateur theory of neurokinetic telepathy.

  • DannyBloem

    the Second Law of Thermodynamics and entropy

    This second law of thermodynamics is often poorly understood by people using them as a proof that evolution could not have happened. It is quite common in nature that complex structures come to exist without a creator. Think for example of cristals etc.

    There is totally no evidence for telepathy. There have been some experiments that could show some (very slight) form of telepathy, but the reasults can be understood without telepathy easily.

    The quantum physics are not really open to talepathy, because of the distances involved. Compare the Quantum scale 6,626075540 × 10 -34 met de telepathy distances. This is something like claiming that they can hear you wispering in the andromeda galaxy.

    But Quantum Physics does give a lot of new thinking about how our brains work, and the universe in general. It can explain some things about consiousness and determinism. (quantum physics is not deterministic).
    There are some interesting theories of Roger Penrose, one of the leading scientist in physics.


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