Normally I have no problem with people hunting, especially if done for food, but I am feeling a bit down on it today in the wake of our noticing a bunny rabbit scampering around our yard last night with an arrow penetrating all the way through his neck. I have no idea how he was still on his feet, but I wanted to strangle whoever put the arrow into him.
Your outrage is to be comended, yet I am compeled to ask, Did you dispatch the bunny? If you let him scamper about, wounded, you are no more moral than the nitwit who let loose a non-lethal shot. I could go on and on about how the guy who took a bad shot at the bunny had some terrible childhood or too much sugar in his cereal but I wont.
How many of you would be willing to shoot a dog or cat to put it out of it's misery? Or a road hit deer? We are willing to let criminals rule the streets, yet as individuals we are not willing to "dirty" ourselves by "killing". I guess turning a slick-mouthed old horse out on the range for the wolves and 'yotes is less moral than digging a hole and letting a dose of chemicals shut him down?
Our society as a whole is loosing the will to survive on it's own. I notice the liberal ilke that berates hunting usually extends their ideas to domestic meat production. Ya'all just dont get... some things eat other things... that's the way it is....the way it should be. If most people knew what it takes to get a hog to aisle 12 at the local market they would starve or take up hunting.
Richie... nice turkey. For you non-hunters ot there turkeys are some of the most savvy, wary, paronoid creatures on this planet. Most states regulate the firearms that you can be used to short distance weapons... a hunter may spend a week trying to get a legal sized bird close enough to shoot
We call it a sport because it is. The animal is in his element, the state has altered any human advantage by limiting season and equipment.
Killing is not always wrong. Some killers are sick. What a paradox.