Your Husbands parents are not worthy of your attentions. He has been wise to cut them out of his life. And certainly to keep any children you all may have in the future away from tsuch evil people.
Follow your Husbands lead, and don't try to fix things. People trying to get their loved ones back with abusive parents is a mistake. They don't need that in their lives. Sometimes people have very good reason for hating their parents, best to leave it that way.
Good luck, and if your smart stay away from those people.
Welcome and sorry to hear about the mess with the inlaws.
And THEN I called her up and was sweet to her, and I apologized to HER, and I didn't mention one thing about what a horrible evil woman she is. I just told her I was sorry and I wanted to tell her that, and that I hoped one day everything could work out and we could all talk and have a nice relationship
You did what you did because you are the true christian here, not her. Quit beating yourself up over this. Don't let her make you feel like your anything less.
I don't believe your betrayed your husband and I'm sure your husband will get over it. I can see his point though that he would rather her not know what he does with his life but I could also see that you were probably telling her this to make it known to her that you don't need her religion to be happy, you and your husband are doing fine without it.