I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face. As I began to read this poignant piece, the TV is on and the bus driver ON the bus that was bombed, is speaking (I guess at a memorial of some kind---I didn't hear the beginning of it). It all just hit me so powerfully.
Oh Annie - you'll set me off. I seem to be on the verge of crying half the time since this happened, constantly biting back tears as they seem to want to come when I'm on the train to work or at work. Very frustrating as I want to have a cry and I can't at an appropriate time. And I'm worried if I go to Trafalgar I'll just break down and people are going to think that I was personally involved or someone I knew was - as if I am stealing their grief somehow. I just feel so heartbroken over this appalling tragedy.
I wish i could see the news too - but I'm sure they'll repeat when I get home. I'd love to hear what that brave bus driver says.
Hugs Annie - you are a tender soul, I know I would really like you if we ever get to meet.