Explosions London Buses & Trains

by Crumpet 171 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I am greatly saddened that madmen take such dramtic and hateful actions against the innocent.

    Wanna bet that the Watchtower/Awake will have an article that will highlight how some witnesses narrowly escaped, while ignoring all the death and destruction of the 'worldly people'.... anyway, how sad. Prayers and thoughts are with those affected.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    My heart and thoughts go out to all those in GB during this time. Please take care. I suspect this will also bring back some ugly memories of 9-11 for many others around the world Be especially nice to yourselves Lee

  • the_classicist

    I just woke up to it at 7 PST. The radio news came up on my alarm clock and I wasn't sure what happened (all I really heard was London, Bomb; I figured it was Iraq at first).

    I thought the London Police were just overreacting with their warnings about bags on the Metro (for the past few years), but how wrong was I!

  • greendawn

    These bombers are not just madmen they are people fanaticised by religion they are engaged in an islamic jihad ie war against the "infidel" to promote the interests of their religion. They think the moslems have a god given right to conquer the world for being the true and pure religion.

  • Frog

    yes greendawn, monotheism is an unnecessary evil. frog

  • freak

    Can I ask why you believe what you have been told, there has been no investigation yet? Do you just take their word for it, being the proven liars they are? Also, its not unknown for terrorists to claim they have done stuff that they did not do.

  • Mary
    What do people suggest? That we go to war because of this? We already did, we STARTED the war!!

    What do I suggest? I say you pinpoint the bastards that did this and kill 'em. The war in Iraq has little to do with 9-11---Bin Laden's still roaming around free which is ridiculous. "Peace Negotiations" are useless in this situation. You cannot reason, talk or resolve anything with terrorists because they have no desire for peace---they're only interested in murdering people for no reason. Unfortunately, getting rid of them is the only solution, but if anyone else has a better idea, I'd love to hear it.

  • the_classicist
    They think the moslems have a god given right to conquer the world for being the true and pure religion.

    (now to say something totally unPC): Islam, by nature, is a religion of military-religious expansion. Just look at how Mohammed spread the religion he started: got some followers and started conquering (bit of an oversimplification).

  • Uzzah

    The worst part is these murderers don't give a damn who they kill.
    It is likely there are muslems, hindus, catholics, jews, protestants amongst the 42 dead (most recent number I've heard).
    It wasn't an attack against leadership or institution it was an attempt to kill people. They don't care what people as long as people died. I can think of few things that would define evil more appropriately.
    How do we stop this insanity? What has happened to respect for life. Even in the world wars there were gentlemen's code of conduct.
    "Humanity. What a concept."

  • dorayakii

    Edited to say: sorry freak, but you are just ****ing annoying me so much

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