Andersens Carpets - Sex Sells!

by PopeOfEruke 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • PopeOfEruke

    The Andersen Carpet company which has stores thoughout Queensland is a JW-owned company, I think the orginal Bro. Andersen who founded the company was from Gatton (? - not 100% sure of that). Most staff that work there are JW's and JW paraphernalia can often be seen around the sales desks. Any customer who identifies him/herself as a JW will get at least a 10% discount.

    Anyway they've just released a new TV commercial featuring a drop-dead gorgeous blond in a low-cut blouse, very tasty! I'd like to make a couple of return visits on her for sure! I wonder if she's a JW model?

    It's nice to see that even Jehovah's people in business appreciate the benefits of using sex to sell. I guess if Jehovah created breasts then he obviously intentended mankind to use them for selling carpets.


  • Nathan Natas
  • z

  • Preston

    It's nice to see the JW's becoming more progressive

    Hmmmmmmm...BTW...I wonder what Freud would think about the Pope's hat

    - Preston

  • potleg

    Sounds like Andersons either sold out to someone else or quit the Org. I wonder if they'll put up christmas or easter decorations?

  • PopeOfEruke

    Here is their website :

    I was looking there to see if there are any photos of Sister Cleavage but haven't found any so far.


  • PopeOfEruke

    no - I don't believe they have sold out. If you check the website it states clearly they are still privately owned by the Andersen family.

    I mean, the girl on the Ad is very nice and not "raunchy" in any way or in bad taste. She simply is very pretty, a nice lowcut T-Shirt and she has a decent rack. It's just obvious she is being used as a sexy lift to the commercial. Here's the owner: is he a freakin' elder or what??!???


  • PopeOfEruke

    Here she is - but not with the T-Shirt. She's yummy!


  • greendawn

    When it comes to making money special rules apply we can ignore the temptations of the flesh, the flaming arrows of the Devil. After all the WTS itself is all about being a profitable business.

  • luna2

    She's cute. Reminds me of Baby Spice. LOL

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