The Andersen Carpet company which has stores thoughout Queensland is a JW-owned company, I think the orginal Bro. Andersen who founded the company was from Gatton (? - not 100% sure of that). Most staff that work there are JW's and JW paraphernalia can often be seen around the sales desks. Any customer who identifies him/herself as a JW will get at least a 10% discount.
Anyway they've just released a new TV commercial featuring a drop-dead gorgeous blond in a low-cut blouse, very tasty! I'd like to make a couple of return visits on her for sure! I wonder if she's a JW model?
It's nice to see that even Jehovah's people in business appreciate the benefits of using sex to sell. I guess if Jehovah created breasts then he obviously intentended mankind to use them for selling carpets.